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Out of the thousands of photography stories that have been published in the last 24 hours, we have picked out some of the more popular ones so you can stay up to date with the photo world.
The pricing and pre-order options for the new Sigma Art lenses that were announced last week will be announced at the end of March, here are the links: In addition to my coverage, Sigma has…
Whenever I see people posting questions about how to photograph people wearing glasses, they usually receive the same response. “Don’t, have them take their glasses off”. This is usually…
The Seattle man who lost control of his drone and knocked a woman unconscious in the process has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine for his transgression.
Carnival season 2017 is underway across Europe and the Americas. These pre-Lent festivals, often a blend of local pagan and Catholic traditions, usher out the winter and welcome in spring….
From my experience, a mom and her daughter are the best team there is. And mom-daugher duo from Canada proves me right. Photographer Camillia Courts and her seven-year-old daughter Layla…
Don’t Miss the Secret of Editing Photos in Lightroom from Bleh to Wow with this discount on some of our most popular presets!
In case you missed the slightly over-the-top announcement video, Nikon is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. And part of the celebrations involves putting out some seriously…
The new Imagely NextGEN Lightroom Plugin will help you publish photos directly from Lightroom to your WordPress site. Check it out.
Budget lenses are a necessity for amateur and semi-professional photographers. Not everyone can afford to drop $1,000+ on a brand new lens, so the budget oriented shoppers look for lenses…
Remember Sony’s crazy smartphone image sensor we told you about earlier this month? Well that sensor, which can shoot up to an insane 1,000fps in HD, is already making an appearance in…
Fact: If you think you know how to use a rangefinder, you’re probably using a rangefinder camera completely wrong-or at least inefficiently. Lots of photographers think they can’t be…
Working with static subjects can be surprisingly difficult. For photographers accustomed to working with live models, styling details by hand can be a challenging hurdle to overcome….
I started my journey in photography back in 2011. Since then, there are only a handful of photographers that I have really paid attention to in terms of actively keeping up with their work….
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I'm Rob, the editor of Light Stalking. I try to keep this ship on course.
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Light Stalking
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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