We all know that outdoor locations are a joy for photographers. Countless extravagant travel photographs tell us that being in the great outdoors will provide us with incredible creative opportunities. While this is very true and beneficial to many, there are ways we can take indoor photographs that are just as breathtaking as our outdoor shots. How? With the help of a little potential, of course.
By Manuel Meurisse
Finding potential in seemingly insignificant items will make you a better artist. Objects and locations you've overlooked before could become your next photograph's inspiring subjects. Places you've grown up in and never truly enjoyed could transform your entire portfolio, or simply encourage you to look at your surroundings from a fresh perspective. No matter where your observations lead you, you'll learn to be more appreciative. Appreciating details will, in turn, throw you into a world of exciting and refreshing ideas, valuable knowledge that will shape you into the best version of your artistic self.
By Maxime Amoudruz
Why Should I Take Photos Indoors?
It's a given that travelling is exhilarating and mind-opening, but great adventures in foreign countries aren't always accessible to us. Because of this, it's fairly easy to get discouraged as you scroll through hundreds of stunning travel photographers' images. The disappointment is natural, of course, but it doesn't have to turn into artistic bitterness. It doesn't have to stop you from finding beauty in your own home, no matter how small it may be.
Taking photos indoors will benefit you in several ways:
It Will Prepare You for More Complicated Shoots in the Future
Making the most of a location includes noticing details that could come in handy at one point or another. For instance, if you're a portrait photographer who has an impromptu shoot in an indoor location, knowing how to transform your surroundings into gorgeous backgrounds (or foregrounds) will benefit you greatly. In addition to not feeling lost in an unknown environment, you'll impress your team with your originality.
Brandon Woelfel is a great example of someone who makes the most of what they're given. Many of his awe-inspiring images were taken in locations that most people wouldn't pay much attention to. As a result, his photographs stand out. Furthermore, when he does get to travel, he takes unique photographs of both his surroundings and details in general. Like Brandon, you can go beyond what the average eye sees. Your way of looking at the world may inspire others to appreciate their surroundings even more. Don't accept things as they are. Instead, challenge what you see and think of ways you could use it in your work. Allow yourself to find potential in everything.
By Sam-X
It Will Enhance Your Creativity
When I moved to a small and cluttered apartment a few years ago, I felt creatively discouraged for a long time. Eventually, I came to understand and value the beauty of small things. Mirrors, tiny decorations, small paintings, and patches of light all transformed into elements I could include in my photographs, details that would enhance my portraits and sharpen my observation skills. Thanks to them, that small and cluttered apartment was rescued from my harsh creative judgment.
Taking photos indoors will compel you to try out new techniques. You might have to use artificial light (lamps, torches, or your phone) to enhance your shots. You might even have to create your own mini studio using curtains and boxes. If you don't have a reflector, you could use a white sheet of paper to light up your subject's face. If you don't have professional lighting equipment, you could use a lamp and control its intensity using the aforementioned sheet of paper. Creativity is endless and unique, as it solely depends on what you own and what you're willing to accomplish.
By Jarrod Reed
It Will Allow You to Appreciate Every Moment in Life
Stop reading this article for a second and take a look around you. Don't just look, but notice. You might be relaxing at home, getting distracted at work, or procrastinating. You might simply be looking for mind-opening information. Whatever you're doing, question what you're ignoring and taking for granted right at this moment. Notice what you usually overlook. Take the time to catch yourself zoning out during a daily routine and see if the present moment could inspire you in some way.
Feeling present is akin to being in a flow state, a process in which you're so focused that productivity can't help but come into the picture. This is something you can probably relate to as a photographer. When we observe our surroundings and really take them in, we are experiencing the present moment. This creates a mental space where we can thrive creatively and feel calm at the same time. I believe that taking photos indoors can inspire this state to appear more often in our lives.
Since observation is highly important when you're looking for new things to photograph, it's only natural that it will help you be more present. If, for whatever reason, being in the moment won't benefit you creatively, at least it will ground you for a few moments. That's something we all occasionally need in a busy world of never-ending updates.
By Vanessa Serpas
The next time you find yourself indoors with your camera, challenge yourself by looking for great subjects. The more you observe, the more striking details you'll find in the most unexpected places. The more details you find, the more creative possibilities you'll discover. Because of this experience, you'll find potential in both indoor and outdoor locations. All in all, you'll just have more space to grow as an artist. With your newfound observation and appreciation skills, you'll be limitless.
And even when you come home after long weeks of incredible, life-changing travel, you won't look at your living space and see it as the end of a journey. You won't dread it. Instead, your creative side will feel overjoyed at the sight of a new adventure, this time in the great indoors.
By Kalegin Michail
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