Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Paul Kohlhausen Kickstarter Promises a K-Pan to Capture 6×14 Medium-Format Negative Photos

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Back in May 2017, the Photoblographer reported that photographer Paul Kohlhausen developed a K-Pan camera that he 3D printed to shoot 6×14 medium format negative photos.

In an interview with the Photoblographer, Paul Kohlhausen describes his love for analog photography and his penchant for technical design and small details.

You can check out Paul Kohlhausen’s photography and design on his website: http://ift.tt/2qfiuTg.

When he found that there was not a medium format camera that shoots 6×14 images using a large format camera lens on the market, Paul decided to build his own and even teased that, if successful, he may introduce a Kickstarter project to let others in on the action.

To the joy of many, Paul Kohlhausen has announced that his accessory, described in an interview with Photoblographer, will be launched on a Kickstarter, with backer rewards to boot.

In noting the simple yet innovative design Kohlhausen employed in creating his product, Photoblographer asks Kohhausen: “it seems like a film advance, lens with shutter and aperture, and a 3D printed body” to which Kohlhausen responds “It’s essentially just a really precisely engineered box. I had no means of creating the optics for it, so I bought an old Schneider Kreuznach 90mm Super Angulon meant for 4×5 cameras and designed the body around the properties of that lens. It was a trade-off between making a camera that was easy to shoot with and staying within the realm of what was possible to accomplish in a 4 month time period as a first-time 3D modeler.”

The device does not have a focusing mechanism, is set to infinity by default, and requires the use of spacer brackets to bring the focal plane closer, according to Kohlhausen. It is designed to be a modular device with the photographer usign the focus spacers and lens bellows of his choice.

Kohlhausen has used 3D printing technology to design and perfect his device, a product he says he developed exclusively for his own use, particularly in preparing his portfolio for application to architecture and design degrees. After other photographers expressed interest in his device, Kohlhausen speculated that if others were willing to fund its development and manufacture, that he’d be happy to put it out on the market.

And thus a Kickstarter project was born.

Paul Kohlhausen describes this process on his Kickstarter page: “Together, with your help, I’d like to take this project to the next step by making it available to other photographers as a kit. This campaign will fund a small production run of cameras, mostly in kit-form but also as 10 limited edition pre-finished units. If successful, the business will be properly launched and production will be further developed.”

Details from the device’s Kickstarter (http://ift.tt/2ftZj3T) page are listed below:

How it works:

  • – It shoots five 6x14cm frames per roll of 120 film
  • – The kit comes in two main parts; the lens cone and the camera body
  • – The body contains a removable pressure plate, dark slide, and lid. The lid plate is outfitted with the film winding knobs,fastening screws and two universal cold shoe mounts.
  • – Loading the film is done by removing said lid plate, similar to removing the bottom plate on a Leica M.
  • – Focus is set to infinity by default; it can be drawn closer by inserting dedicated spacer brackets between the lens cone and body (10mm bracket included in the kit).

The hardware:

Components are made of lightproof, highly robust grey SLS nylon (see picture below). Yes, the raw components are white in the video and other pictures. We’ve stopped using that material because it is too translucent.

– Totals to only ~350 grams without a lens

– The body is 22cm wide and 9cm tall

– Embedded steel screw threads

– Standard ¼-20 UNC tripod mount

– Lens mount (the “lens board”) is 2mm thick with a 33mm diameter hole (fits a wide variety of Copal 0 shutter lenses)

Addressing future concerns about product durability, Paul Kohlhausen extends the modularity of the product by making 3D printed part replacement schematics available to purchasers of the product, a process the Kickstarter succinctly describes: “Need spare parts? Download and print them. Want a grip for it? Print it. Want to attach your phone to it? Print a mount. Alternatively, order the parts from our website and have them printed for you. These are just some of the things in the works – seeing that I’ve gotten plenty of use out of this camera so far, I invite you to join me in further developing this system.”

For those interested in backing the project, here is the extensive list of project rewards on Kickstarter:

The Rewards

By backing the K-Pan you will ensure further innovation and development of this project. You will become part of a growing collective of DIY photographers and your support will become a vital contribution to fuel the analog renaissance. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved and help us bring this project to the world.

Tier 1: K-Pan Tote Bag + Stickers

Become part of the team with a selection of high-quality vinyl stickers in an organic cotton tote bag imprinted with design diagrams of the camera. Manufactured using solely renewable wind and solar power. 38x42cm, neutral cotton color.

Limited to 500 pieces.

Tier 2: K-Pan Camera Standard Kit Early Bird

Grab one of only 20 full-production kits at an early bird price of £230! The complete kit comprising of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one standard lens cone of your choice. Our current selection of standard cones are compatible with:

– Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8

– Schneider Super Angulon 75mm f5.6

– Schneider Angulon 90mm f6.8

– Fujinon SW 90mm f8

– Nikkor SW 90mm f8

– Nikkor SW 75mm f4.5

– Nikkor SW 65mm f4 (Stopped down to f16 for sufficiently large image circle)

– Rodenstock Grandagon-N 90mm f6.8 (Stopped down to f22 for sufficiently large image circle)

– Rodenstock Apo-Grandagon 55mm f4.5 (Stopped down to f8 for sufficiently large image circle)

Limited to 20 units, includes Tier 1. Check out the lens sourcing & compatibility sections down below.


Tier 3: K-Pan Camera Standard Kit

The complete kit comprising of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one standard lens cone of your choice. Our current selection of standard cones are compatible with:

– Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8

– Schneider Super Angulon 75mm f5.6

– Schneider Angulon 90mm f6.8

– Fujinon SW 90mm f8

– Nikkor SW 90mm f8

– Nikkor SW 75mm f4.5

– Nikkor SW 65mm f4 (Stopped down to f16 for sufficiently large image circle)

– Rodenstock Grandagon-N 90mm f6.8 (Stopped down to f22 for sufficiently large image circle)

– Rodenstock Apo-Grandagon 55mm f4.5 (Stopped down to f8 for sufficiently large image circle)

Limited to 200 units, includes Tier 1. Check out the lens sourcing & compatibility sections down below.

Tier 4: K-Pan Camera Custom Kit Early Bird

If you already have a 4×5 lens that our standard selection doesn’t cover, grab one of only 20 full-production custom kits at an early bird price of £320! The kit comprises of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one custom made lens cone tailored to a Copal 0 Shutter 4×5 lens. This is subject to the compatibility of your lens, contact us to check first before pledging and check out the Lens Compatibility section further down.

Limited to 20 pieces, includes Tier 1.

Tier 5: K-Pan Camera Custom Kit

The complete kit comprising of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one custom made lens cone tailored to a Copal 0 Shutter 4×5 lens that our standard selection doesn’t cover. This is subject to the compatibility of your lens, contact us to check first before pledging and check out the Lens Compatibility section further down.

Limited to 60 pieces, includes Tier 1.

Tier 6: K-Pan Camera Kit with two lens cones

The complete kit comprising of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and two lens cones of your choice. This includes cones from both our standard selection (see tiers 2 &3) and custom made ones (tiers 4 & 5, subject to compatibility).

Limited to 20 pieces, includes Tier 1.

Tier 7: K-Pan Bonus Bundle

Get the complete kit comprising of the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one lens cone of your choice, standard or custom, in addition to a signed print taken on the K-Pan. We're also throwing in three rolls of 120 film, 2x CineStill (800T and their new 50D on 120) and a roll of Japan Camera Hunter's new StreetPan. Again, custom tailored cones are subject to compatibility.

Limited to an edition of 30 sets, includes Tier 1.

Tier 8: Limited Edition K-Pan Camera Kit

Limited to only 8 units, this reward includes the K-Pan Camera hand-finished with industrial paints in black, mustard yellow, red and military green. Includes the camera body, a 10mm focus spacer and one matching lens cone of your choice. This covers cones from both our standard selection (see tiers 2 & 3) and custom made ones (tiers 4 & 5, subject to compatibility). In addition to a signed print taken on the K-Pan, we're also throwing in three rolls of 120 film, 2x CineStill (800T and their new 50D on 120) and a roll of Japan Camera Hunter's new StreetPan. Includes Tier 1.

Tier 9: Space White Limited Edition K-Pan Camera

Grab one of only two fully completed K-Pan cameras outfitted with Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8 lenses and hand-finished to look like they've been to the moon and back (or beyond). Imagine how NASA or the ESA would finish a K-Pan for use on their EVA spacewalks. Features include 3D printed aluminium knobs, a metallic undercoat and details with artificial weathering. Includes everything from the Tier 7 Bonus Bundle and Tier 1.

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Kehl Bayern is a freelance writer and editor of Demagaga.

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

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“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown