Creep shots are one of the less savory phenomena to accompany the ubiquity of camera devices. In many parts of the United States, for example, taking such pictures will get you in a boatload of trouble, especially with the passage of laws specifically targeting these kinds of digital intrusions..

Image via Matheus Bertelli from
In the case of one man in Madison, Wisconsin who schemed to use a shoe-based camera to record upskirt photos, karma had other plans when his device malfunctioned and exploded while he was testing it at his home. Just in case you are wondering, this was not some do-it-yourself device. Instead, this was a shoe camera the 32-year-old man purchased.
According to the Wisconsin State Journal, the man in question went to the hospital for treatment for burns on his foot then confided in a mentor who also happened to be a clergyman about what had happened. The mentor then urged the man to turn himself in to police.
In Wisconsin, taking photos in the manner he intended was made a crime in 2015 and is punishable with up to 3.5 years in prison and a $USD 10k fine according to Peta Pixel.
Police Chief Michael Koval noted the strange case on his department’s blog, writing: “5:24pm. Officers at the West Police District station were contacted by a subject (32-year-old HM) who wanted to turn himself in to police. The subject reported he had purchased a shoe camera that he intended to use to take “upskirt” videos of females, but the camera battery had exploded prior to obtaining any video, injuring the subject’s foot. The subject was counseled on his actions and released from the scene as no illicit video had been taken. Investigation continuing.”
Since he had yet to take any pictures he was not charged with any kind of crime. As of reporting, however, the police department’s investigation into his behavior is ongoing.
Light Stalking
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