You never know what the next big thing in photography will look like.
After all, who could have predicted the rise of smartphones, an otherwise anonymous rectangle of glass capable of taking better pictures than the vast majority of digital cameras out there?
Or who could have predicted digital cameras for that matter?

Image via Pixabay from
The next big thing might be organic, and we’re not talking OLED.
Niko, the creative director of Corridor Crew’s production studio, proffers a spud-based future with his working potato camera taking the oft used derisive phrase to a whole new, literal level. Sourcing the finest materials from Idaho, the team set out with a vision for a better potato camera capable of taking the best potato camera pictures, and we think they succeeded.
One of the initial problems Niko ran into when crafting his potato camera is that he noticed potatoes are not ideal vessels for keeping light out which, incidentally, is so critical to taking good photos.
And we want good photos out of our potato camera, don’t we?
Using a 3D printer Niko printed out a sealed chamber to put inside the potato. After making the opening and internal chamber, he needed to decide how to go about “exposing” photos taken with the potato camera. Using ISO 100 film, Niko determined the shutter speed for his potato camera using a DSLR and a lens set to f/11.
As expected, the potato camera’s photos are ethereal images from another realm – or low quality crap depending on your perspective and artistic inclinations.
But in terms of making a potato camera capable of taking potato camera-grade photos? Niko and his team succeeded and inspired us with their determination to turn anything into a camera.
You can watch the video of the making of the potato camera here on YouTube.
Light Stalking
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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