Tuesday, August 7, 2018

15 Tutorials To Improve Your Landscape Photography Technique

Honing your landscape photography technique can be a life-long endeavour. It is, in fact, one of the most amazing but demanding genres. It requires extreme levels of patience, usually waking up really early, and decent physical conditions (in the photographer and the weather!).

That's why only the most passionate photographers manage to capture the most mind-blowing images of nature and the world around us.

Here are 15 tutorials to help you improve your landscape photography technique and become a better landscape photographer.

Photo by Alexandre Godreau on Unsplash

Let's Start With These Beginner Guides To Improving Your Landscape Photography Technique

This tutorial is a great place to start. In it, Russell gives us an overview of the camera gear we will need to start our landscape photography journey, compositional elements that we should keep in mind when starting out and potholes to avoid.

Russell's dos and don't to improve your landscape photography technique include:

  • Don't forget to include the foreground elements,
  • Don't unnecessarily rush your shot,
  • Sometimes think about shooting in Portrait,
  • If you have another lens or can zoom in, then do it,
  • Straighten that crooked horizon

In this Bite Size Tip, Dahlia Ambrose shares with us some really useful tips for preparing everything you'll need for capturing those beautiful landscapes. It is really a great place to start.

Here, Dahlia provides 3 checklists as a quick reference. One for before getting out of the door, another checklist for while you are outdoors and some final quick tips for when you get back home.

Also, a topic that is good to review is the common mistakes that beginners to landscape photography can make. Here Richard Walker (Award Winning Landscape Photographer – Winner of the Olympus Global Photo Contest 2017), gives us a rundown of those things we should avoid when we are out and about.

Finding Your Location and Inspiration

As Jasenka Grujin says – “every continent has its own unique places that are worth visiting at least once in our lifetime.” While capturing great landscapes in your own backyard is wonderfully fulfilling, combining travel and landscape photography is the ultimate privilege. Take a look at these 7 inspiring locations to get the creative juices flowing (or maybe you are lucky enough to live here already)

Conversely, rather than travel, why not stay where you are? Here Jason D. Little runs through the benefits of staying where you are when you are looking for great locations to get into landscape photography.

The benefit of staying where you are encourages you to look at your surrounds in new and interesting ways. This provides for great photography inspiration

Here Ritesh Saini has compiled a wonderful selection of photographs to inspire you and your landscape photography. Hopefully, this post will fuel your creativity, or just give you beautiful images to peruse over at your leisure.

Composition And Technique

This fantastic tutorial by Rob Wood covers 7 great composition tips with will take your landscape photography technique to the next level. Covering tips from the rule of thirds to symmetry, this is a great place to start to understanding composition particularly as it applies to landscape photography.

Landscape and black and white photography have had a really close relationship since pretty much the beginning of photography.

Here in this guide, Jason Row shares with us some in-depth information about how to perfect the art of black and white landscapes.

ND filters are going to be your best friends if you are slightly interested in landscape photography. Understanding how they can affect light could be very tricky, but here our friend Jason D. Little makes it easier for us by explaining how to use them for daytime long exposure photographs.

Photo by Priscilla DuPreez on Unsplash

How To Capture The Landscape At Its Best

One of the things people are more intrigued about landscape photography is that silky, misty and creamy look water can get when doing things right. Here in this set of tips, you’ll find a lot of useful information about how to achieve that beautiful look with long exposure settings.

But getting the perfect contrast for a landscape shot can be difficult. Here Jason D. Little give us some tips on how to deal with some tricky contrast situations. Looking at what to do when your contrast is too high and too low, Jason ensures that you will be able to adapt your shooting style to obtain the image you want.

One of the most magical times to capture landscapes (or any kind of image for that matter) is in the golden hour. In this how-to, Jason D. Little gives us some tips for shooting at this time.

As Jason notes, in very informal terms, the golden hour is simply the first hour of light after sunrise and the last hour of light before sunset and during each golden hour (morning and evening), you will find that the sun is low in the sky and when a light source is larger and closer relative to the subject, soft, diffused light is produced. Magical!

The blue hour (which is different from the golden hour)  also provides an opportunity for beautiful landscape photos. Here Jason Row invites us to get up really early in the morning, and trust me, it is worth every minute you will skip sleeping.

Photo by Luca Baggio on Unsplash

Bonus: Space Is The Final Frontier

Have you ever seen some magnificent photographs with the sky filled with stars and you wonder, “how they make them?”. Landscape photography isn't just for the land, it can also be enhanced by looking towards the sky. In these bite size tips, you will find the basic information you'll need to know in order to capture the Milky Way.

And speaking of pointing our cameras towards the sky, capturing the moon is an amazing thing for any photographer to learn.  There is a level of difficulty too as the light and the moon's motion all need to be understood and worked with to get the perfect shot. In this tutorial, you'll get an overview of how to achieve some brilliant photos of the moon that will definitely take your landscapes to the next level.

We hope these tutorials will help you improve your landscape photography technique and inspire you to capture some amazing images of the world around us.

If you wish to take your landscape photography to the next level, make sure you check out Landscape Photography by Photzy.

Please don't share your views in the comments below or your amazing photos with us in the forums or in the Tank as well for some valuable feedback.

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Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown