We’ve all had this happen to us before: You plan, you gather, you pack, and everything seems ready to go until the day of your big shoot when the weather decides it is not going to cooperate and you’re forced to reschedule the whole thing.

Image via Tahir Shaw from Pexels.com.
Not only is this a huge bummer for most photographers but also a huge time waste as well.
Wouldn’t it be perfect if you could predict the weather with some degree of accuracy or at least know ahead of time whether conditions will be right for what you want to capture?
WeatherScout, an app for Apple iOS, wants to create such a world for you and it promises to match up your preferences with local, current conditions so that you never again have to be disappointed by Mother Nature’s whims.
Basically you set your user preferences in the app and it takes it from there. It even has preferences relating to the blue hour and golden hour in your specified location. There are even settings for wind speed among other things.
You might be thinking it sounds like a glorified weather app with tailored notifications but WeatherScout also comes with an alarm that you can set to trigger a certain time before ideal conditions are expected.
You can also add multiple locations in the app so you can check up on the conditions in your favorite spots for photography. In all, WeatherScout really seems to combine a ton of different functionalities into one centralized app.
There are a few drawbacks to the app, however, chief among them being lack of an Android version as of press (though we’re sure the devs will correct that in the future). One of the biggest complaints is that WeatherScout collates redundant information from other weather services and thus isn’t as accurate as it promises to be. That said, it will only get better with time.
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Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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