It was only a matter of time before the Chinese manufacturers started throwing down the gauntlet when it came to releasing their own hardware.
And Yongnuo looks set to be among the first.

Image via Yongnuo Facebook.
The mirrorless camera wars are about to get that much more real with Chinese accessories manufacturer Yongnuo joining the fray. Known for their lenses for Nikon and Canon, Yongnuo’s entry into the mirrorless segment is not really that surprising when you look at how the company has steadily built its portfolio over the years. The optical accessories company even took to Facebook to post the announcement. The company is also holding a naming contest for the new model, so you could potentially name the next great mirrorless camera.
In a design that looks like a combination of a smartphone with a Yongnuo YN 14mm f/2.8 lens attached to the front of it, the company hopes to combine the convenience of a smartphone camera with the capabilities of standalone mirrorless. It’s an awkward look, to be sure, but if it works well then it could really be a preview of things to come. After all, few devices for consumers outside of a smartphone sport a touchscreen of that size.
The two names for the model on offer are 4G Camera and Smart Camera, neither of which are terribly inspired but, hey, at least consumers get a vote on the matter. Both describe the niche the new camera is aiming for but neither really stand out in an already crowded market. Thankfully, if you think you have something better, Yongnuo is open to suggestions according to PetaPixel.
You can find out what name made it across the finish line in January 2019 when the new device officially debuts. You might want to vote in the contest – doing so could win you a Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8 lens for Nikon and Canon cameras.
Click on the link above to head on over to Yongnuo's Facebook page to find out the details surrounding the naming contest.
Light Stalking
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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