Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Here’s What You May Have Missed This Week From The Light Stalking Community

First thing's first, we want to give a special shout out to our newest 150 members, we encourage each and one of you to share photographs, knowledge and any sort in inquiry in our forums.

First up, if you don't do anything else this week, take a look at Chris Pook's short series of photographs on the forum – Reasons To Be Thankful – from Mosul. His image entitled “Hope” is our Photo of the Week

And speaking of forums, we had a very interesting weekend photography challenge this week. Contrast is one of the biggest and most interest attributes any composition can have. Lack of contrast can result in boring and dull images, and this week's challenge was about one of the best ways of creating beautiful and elegant levels of contrast, reds, and golds.

Photo Of The Week – November 26, 2018

Hope by Chris Pook

Photo by Chris Pook

The Photo of the Week was extremely poignant but uplifting. Here's what Kent Dufault had to say about Chris' work:

Here in the United States, we just celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a time when we should reflect on everything that we are thankful for in our lives. This played a huge role in my selection for the POTW.

Chris Pook has more than proven himself, numerous times, on this website that he is an excellent photographer that is capable of amazing work. I find this to be true especially in the area of photojournalism.

In fact, Chris, I'm not sure that you realize just how good you are at this genre of photography.

The photograph that I've chosen is from a selection of images that Chris uploaded to a post titled, “Reasons to be Thankful”. I encourage you to click that link and take a look at the entire set. I'm thankful for many things in my life. But, Chris's images focus me on the fact that I've never had to endure war- at all- much less for an extended period of time.

The smiling boy has endured it his entire life. Here is this handsome boy, surrounded by the wreckage of war, and he still has a youthful smile of hope. War is all he knows. He was born to it. Yet, he can find a smile inside. He didn't ask to be placed in the situation that he finds himself. He's caught in it.

I know little of what's happening in that part of the world. I pray every day that somehow peace will be found. So… enough of my pontification. Chris's pictures are gritty and real.

They will make you thankful.

Thank you again, Chris, for posting such an amazing series in the forums, your images do what all good photojournalism must do – make us think, feel and learn. Congratulations on Photo of the Week.

What Are Our Members Up To?

Red and gold was this week's Weekend Photography Challenge – here's a wonderful selection of images and what Federico Alegria had to say about them

Photo by Graham Hart

Sunsets are lovely to look at and seductive to photograph, but not every sunset is a real delight. This is one of the examples where a sunset photograph can be an aesthetic experience.

Photo by LeanneC

The texture on this leaf is unbelievable, really, beyond belief, it is just out of this world. A visually stunning, abstract that definitely embodies “red and gold”

Photo by Ebby

This is one of the most elegant photographs we've ever seen in Light Stalking. What an interesting “still life”? Although perhaps not so still. Great composition and really interesting juxtaposition.

Photo by Tom M

Red bricks have something that makes them an extremely pleasant background. Here this one works perfectly in contrast with the scooter and the window. Also, the old vs new element adds to the character of the shot

Photo by Dave W

Autumn gives the most beautiful colors to leaves, and they should all be photographed! This composition is what takes this beyond the standard autumn leaves shot.

Photo by Kent DuFault

Color street photography is highly complex due to colors not getting along at all. This isn't one of those examples, this images is great, and has a lot of character.

Photo by Chris Pook

This image got our attention, and we would love to know more about this place, so please, Chris, enlighten us…The light is just stunning and the juxtaposition of old and new makes this image very engaging.

Photo by Erik Fransman

Nothing says “red and golds” like autumn. This floor filled with leaves is delightful. There is so much texture in this image and the lovely contrast of reds and golds with the dark branches makes for an interesting photo. Thanks, Eric.

This challenge was packed with brilliant images, so make sure you head on over and scroll through everyone's posts. We hope you enjoy the 409th-weekend photography challenge, Reds and Golds – we did!

Feedback Is The Best Way To Learn – So Put Your Images Out There!

For us, we believe there is no better way to learn photography than practice. And the very best way to improve is to seek feedback.

Also, giving others honest and constructive critique will not only help them but will help you understand photography better yourself.

Giving good critique requires conscientious and contemplative photography reading, and that will make you improve as a photographer as well.

If you didn't know, we have a separate forum called the Shark Tank, where you can give and receive critique. Here are some of the images posted this week, so feel free to comment on them in order to help all these great photographers to become even better!

Discussions, Images & Thoughts You May Have Missed

Elaine is a new photographer with a huge desire for learning and becoming better! Just look at this awesome photograph share by her! It has a wonderful rhythm and a lot of character.

Tobie takes amazing wildlife photographs, and this week wasn't an exception. He shared a beautiful image of a Paradise Flycatcher here. He also explains a lot of interesting information about how he took the image as well. Definitely worthy of your time.

Photo by Tobie Schalkwyk

Scott came back to our forum with great news, he celebrated his anniversary by getting married again! You'll know Scott (Toad Hollow) from Light Stalking's brilliant weekly links round up. And here you can see some photographs he shared exclusively to us last week! Congratulations Scott

Ann made a really interesting question last week about what should be the best photography network (or platform) for showcasing her work. We think all the comments shared here could be extremely helpful for a lot of photographers no mattering their level of expertise.

Jim made a huge discovery about Lightroom, and he shared it with us, it is about the fact that your Lightroom version could not be performing at its fullest potential so check it out, NOW!

Robert Apple shared with us this odd image of a rock which apparently can depict many faces, check it out and let your pareidolia go wild and free!

Without a doubt, Nick Ut's Napalm girl iconic photograph is one of the most well-known photographs from the twentieth century. Sen had the brilliant gesture of sharing with us the backstory from this photograph.

Today we will leave you with a very evocative photo from Beth of an abandoned church in Dooley Montana. Thanks so much, Beth for posting

Fire And Brimstone – by Beth

Photo by Beth

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Light Stalking

Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown