Have you ever thought about buying a vertical television set?
What about buying one to…view Instagram?

Image via Samsung.
That’s apparently the inspiration behind Samsung’s vertical television concept which is geared towards people who are accustomed to viewing content on their smartphone screen.
Also, we assume, it will make vertical videos more palatable.
Or something along those lines?
The 43-inch television is called the Sero which is Korean for vertical according to PetaPixel.
Marketed towards the “millennial generation,” the television uses NFC to sync up with your phone’s screen so that you can view that content on the Sero instead.
If a more traditional viewing orientation is your thing, you can rotate the Sero to a horizontal viewing position like any other television.
We can imagine that companies that work in social media as well as some well-heeled individuals will find this product appealing.
The Verge writes, “Throwing in 4.1-channel, 60W speakers along with an integrated navy stand and a minimalist rear design, Samsung seems to hope this TV will function as both a music streaming hub and a handsome piece of furniture.”
And, at $USD 1630, it won’t exactly break the bank.
Still, that’s quite a big amount of money to buy a television set that is so specialized.
If you’re interested in the Sero it should be available in its home market of South Korea by the end of May.
It joins Samsung’s other speciality televisions like the Serif and the Frame.
No word on a release in other markets around the world and Samsung is really careful to call the Sero a “concept.” We can imagine that if it does really well in South Korea then it will probably make its way to other markets around the world eventually.
What do you think of the Sero? Too specialized or pretty cool concept for today’s smartphone-filled world?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Light Stalking http://bit.ly/2J6OqRO
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