Friday, March 27, 2020

Pandemic Drones Could Be Deployed to Help Detect Potential COVID-19 Patients

As the novel coronavirus outbreak brings much of the world to a stop, some companies are working hard behind the scenes to end the pandemic itself.

Using drones during the COVID-19 pandemic is not a novel idea in and of itself – China has made extensive use of the concept – but US-based company Draganfly has a unique approach that they think might work for their market.

In collaboration with Australia’s Department of Defense and the University of South Australia, Draganfly will use AI developed by the school that is specifically geared towards picking out people with respiratory illnesses. It will be able to do things like “detect fever, respiratory rate, actions like coughing, and even blood pressure,” PetaPixel reports.

Director of Draganfly and former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card said of the drones, “As we move forward, drones and autonomous technology doing detection will be an important part of ensuring public safety…Draganfly is honored to work on such an important project given the current pandemic facing the world with COVID-19.”

No word on when this technology would be seeing its debut but PetaPixel did obtain a quote from the company that said it was currently, “working with local and regional gov. officials on engaging the drones as soon as possible in the most obvious hot spots throughout the US.”

You can watch a demo of the technology in action by clicking this link and heading on over to YouTube.

What do you think of this use of drones – innovative or creepy? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section below if you like.

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

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