The novel coronavirus has led to most businesses being shuttered for the past six weeks or more.
Among those are photography studios which, like most every other business out there, are likely to approach everyday operations in a new way when things get back on track.
What that future might look like no one is really sure but Washington state just released some guidelines for studios in that state which are being permitted to reopen starting in June.
Guidelines of the governor’s website for photography studios opening during the state’s “phase 2” plan include social distancing measures and protective coverings for employees. It also encourages outdoor shoots where possible.
The guidelines state in part, “All businesses operating during Phase 2 have a general obligation to keep a safe and healthy facility in accordance with state and federal law, and comply with the following COVID-19 worksite-specific safety practices, as outlined in Governor Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Proclamation 20-25, and in accordance with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries General Requirements and Prevention Ideas for Workplaces and the Washington State Department of Health Workplace and Employer Resources & Recommendations. All businesses are required to post signage at the entrance to their business to strongly encourage their customers to use cloth face coverings when in store with their staff.”
Broadly speaking, the guidelines encourage appointments for all customers in order to give photography studios enough time to sanitize workspaces and equipment in between shoots. Also, group photos are still a no-go with only family photoshoots allowed. Photographers and studio staff are also asked to follow social distancing guidelines and no-touch methods in all aspects of work. Outside of those area-specific pieces of advice, the guidelines also stress general sanitation and frequent hand washing measures applicable to all businesses.
So there you have it. A preview of what tomorrow will look like, at least for a little while.
What do you think of Washington state’s plans? What is life under lockdown like where you live? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section below if you like.
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Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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