It looks like the end of an era over at Fuji as the company just announced it will cease production of its Pro 400H Color Negative film.

Probably not as much of a shock to people who have watched the industry, the end of Pro 400H Color Negative film in both formats, 35mm and 120, marks yet another turn towards a world completely devoid of that medium.
According to PetaPixel, sales of Pro 400H 135 have already stopped and Pro 400H 120 is expected to last through the year but, as the website notes, that doesn’t account for an increased demand from buyers stocking up on something soon to be discontinued.
The statement Fuji posted on their website concerning the cancellation:
“FUJIFILM PRO 400H film is a unique product that is coated with a fourth layer – requiring specialized raw materials and chemicals. As it has become increasingly difficult to procure the raw materials needed to produce PRO 400H, we regret to inform you that after careful consideration, Fujifilm has made the difficult business decision to discontinue PRO 400H.
The discontinuation applies only to the following products:
135 PRO 400H EC NP 36EX 1
120 PRO 400 H EP EC 12EX NP 5
Based on recent customer demand, we anticipate that we will be able to allocate PRO 400H 120 film through the end of 2021.The production and sale of PRO 400H 135 will cease immediately, January 14, 2021.
Please note that this announced discontinuation applies only to PRO 400H color film. Fujifilm will continue to produce and sell its consumer color negative, color reversal and black-and-white film stocks to photographers.
If you have any additional questions please contact Fujifilm customer service at 1-800-859-3854.
We are grateful for your continued support of Fujifilm.”
The end of an era indeed.
Did you use Fuji’s Pro 400H Color Negative film? Let us know your thoughts on its cancellation in the comments section below.
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