Friday, December 16, 2016

30 Beautiful Photos for Some Winter Inspiration

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It’s been a long while since we did a photo collection on Light Stalking and that’s why we decided to put together this collection of wonderful and inspiring winter photographs. Getting out and shooting in the cold isn’t the easiest thing in the world – your gear can struggle and so can your body, but it’s often very worthwhile if you use a bit of imagination to compose your shots. These are some great examples of folks who did the hard yards and found interesting subjects in a harsh environment.

Don’t forget to check out the links to some very relevant tutorials at the end of the post if you’d like some information on how to take similar photographs.

photo: nelly volkovich

photo: nelly volkovich

photo: michail prohorov

photo: michail prohorov

photo: pedro lastra

photo: pedro lastra

photo: nomao saeki

photo: nomao saeki

photo: jon flobrant

photo: jon flobrant

photo: david creixell mediante

photo: david creixell mediante

photo: emma hall

photo: emma hall

photo: colby thomas

photo: colby thomas

photo: sushipingdanist

photo: sushipingdanist

photo: ravi pinisetti

photo: ravi pinisetti

photo: kalen emsley

photo: kalen emsley

photo: ray hennessy

photo: ray hennessy

photo: pietro de grandi

photo: pietro de grandi

photo: ray hennessy

photo: ray hennessy

photo: cristina munteanu

photo: cristina munteanu

photo: piotr siemek

photo: piotr siemek

photo: sweet ice cream photography

photo: sweet ice cream photography

photo: paul itkin

photo: paul itkin

photo: miro alt

photo: miro alt

photo: mike lewinski

photo: mike lewinski

photo: magdalena roeseler

photo: magdalena roeseler

photo: jeremy goldberg

photo: jeremy goldberg

photo: dominik dombrowski

photo: dominik dombrowski

photo: averie woodard

photo: averie woodard

photo: alberto restifo

photo: alberto restifo

photo: caitlin wynne

photo: caitlin wynne

photo: james padolsey

photo: james padolsey

photo: todd diemer

photo: todd diemer

photo: ray hennessy

photo: ray hennessy

photo: aaron burden

photo: aaron burden

More Resources on Winter Photography

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown