Friday, December 16, 2016

Why a Photography Portfolio is Invaluable

We are all on a learning journey.

This even includes the pros. They may make it look like they’ve arrived but if you ask, most of them will tell you that where they are is the result of years of effort. Many may even admit that they too are still learning.

My children compete in sports and I often remind them to keep a record of their training and results from their competitions in order to get a clear picture of their progress. A log is a powerful tool. It helps them identify how their effort has moved them further along the road towards successfully obtaining their goals.  Of course this tool is not just effective for those pursuing sports. In order to recognize my own progress on the photographic journey I’ve decided to take my own advice and put together a log book. I’ve created a photography portfolio and I encourage you to consider doing the same.

Mountain shadows and long fingers of golden light highlight come creeping in late in the afternoon. Banff, Alberta Canada May 2016 ©2016 Elle Bruce

Mountain Shadows Falling, Banff, Alberta – One of my favorite images and it made the cut for my photography portfolio

Create a Portfolio

You may be asking “Where do I start?”  My advice is to pull together a photography portfolio of your best 12 images. Only pick twelve. One per month, a few per trip, or several per genre. Do not ask others for their opinions – these are the images YOU think are your best. You may have to make some hard choices. Keep in mind you can always swap images out as your tastes change or as you make new personal bests. Once created, your portfolio becomes a living thing that grows and changes. You can choose to update it regularly, or pick a time of year and make it an annual exercise. Many pros choose New Years to do a photography portfolio review. I personally find the start of a new school year the best time to pause and reflect.

“Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” – Ansel Adams

Alone at the Beach - An image I made two years ago which continues to hold a place in my photography portfolio. Captiva, FL USA April 2014 ©2014 Elle Bruce

Alone at the Beach – An image I made two years ago which continues to hold a place in my photography portfolio.

Once you have selected your 12 best images, place them all somewhere where you can easily view them together. You can put them on your website or on a social media site. My photography portfolio is currently viewable as a slideshow on the homepage of my website. But even better (if you have the funds) is to print your images. It does not have to be large scale. A set of post cards, a calendar, or even a small book. It is well worth taking this last step and moving your images from the digital world into the physical. There is something satisfying about seeing your images in print.

MERCURIAL TEMPERMENT. Chesterman Beach, Tofino, BC, Canada November 2015 ©Elle Bruce

Mercurial Temperament- Another of my top 12 images and one I have splurged and printed large

Once you create a portfolio I guarantee you’ll find it an invaluable tool for marking your progress along the learning journey. Remember, it does not matter where you are on the journey nor how fast or far you want to travel. What matters is that you are on it.

About Author Elle Bruce

Bringing subjects to life, beautifully.
Elle is a Canadian photographer, artist and visual storyteller with a passion for landscape and outdoor life. Focused on creating impactful images, Elle also shares tips and writes on the topics of photography, creativity, and art. Elle’s vivid images and photo based art are available online for personal purchase and commercial licensing. Elle also welcomes commissioned work.

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown