This may sound funny, but when we pursue a photographic career, we gradually slip out of certain social circles into a more intimate space. Photography starts with a slight tickle in our life, and it gives us two options. The first one is to be delighted by it, but quickly drop it after realizing that it’s not the discipline for us. No hard feelings – many photographers have started out with other creative disciplines and finally fallen into the lovely claws of light. The other option is to become so in love with photography that eventually we become “passionate photographers”. Here, the title of professional or amateur is no longer valid. If you have a true passion for photography, then you’re a passionate photographer. And there’s nothing left to discuss.
We love to wake up early
Photo by Sanah Suvarna on Unsplash
Not everybody has a good time waking up, especially early in the morning. We, as photographers, love to wake up when the light is soothing and the streets are less crowded. This is something not well appreciated by others, especially those who may live or travel with us. Just as you should not be willing to trust a tattoo artist who has no tattoos, don't trust a photographer who has trouble waking up early.
We love overcast days
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
This point is similar to the previous one. Photographers love the soft light of overcast days. Many people love to stay inside, perhaps to have a little brunch or just chill during overcast weather. Instead, we’re lured outside. Simple as that.
We lose track of time
Photo by Álvaro Bernal on Unsplash
We will, without a doubt, lose track of time while talking about anything that has the slightest, most remote relation to photography. A small and random social pleasantry can result in a two-hour (or longer) conversation (or monologue) if it triggers a photography-related thought. Meanwhile, our companions will just walk away from us.
We make movies impossible to enjoy
Photo by Elijah Flores on Unsplash
We always have something to say when it comes to movies. We make comments about the awesome light, the incredible cinematography, the Director of Photography’s poor decisions and, most annoyingly, we pause the movies a lot so we can appreciate the still image. I understand why regular people can’t stand us, at least for certain activities.
We love to wander the streets alone
Photo by Mike Wilson on Unsplash
Regularly, friends and loved ones like to remain calm in a fixed place to chat and have a nice time. For them, wandering aimlessly through random streets is not the most appealing thing to do. For me, as a former street photographer, I love to be in my zone – and that is on the streets, lost and happy.
We often skip meals
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
I don't know if this is standard, but for me it definitely is. I’ll skip food if I have a chance to get good pictures. I just don't need the food. I get extra energy from, I don't know, photosynthesis (how awesome is that photo-synthesis!). I would rather keep walking the streets than waste time in some restaurant. This one has a higher level of freakiness, because I have been on photo walks (which I don’t always enjoy) where I have refused to eat in order to keep shooting. My fellow photographers have a different way of seeing things. They need to eat. I don’t get it.
We see public transportation in a different way
Photo by hannah cauhepe on Unsplash
We see public transportation as a world of possibilities. By travelling alone, we won’t make anybody feel embarrassed about our weird habit of taking pictures of people inside the metro, for example. Also, we'd rather be at a train station than in a shopping mall. The weird list just keeps getting weirder.
Forget about asking us to delete a picture
Photo by jacopo marello on Unsplash
I don't know why, but this is a common request from friends and family when we take a couple of shots of them using our style. They will ask to see our pics, then ask us delete the ones they don't like. How preposterous is that? I’ve met photographers who don't delete a single picture they take, and their decision must be respected above all. I do delete photos, but during my editing process. I never do it in the camera, no matter how awful the shot.
We don't like to Photoshop things for you
Photo by seth schwiet on Unsplash
“Hey, you’re a photographer, right? Could you please Photoshop this flyer for me?” Need I say more? These types of requests are just totally off the table. Please stop homogenizing completely different disciplines that use a powerful tool for completely different purposes.
We won't share images right away
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
It is okay for you to ask us to take a couple of pictures for them in a casual, ordinary moment? There’s really no problem with this at all, but things will be a lot easier for your social media dynamics if you lend us your own phone to do this. Using our camera to take random pictures will definitely take longer and feel like an eternity compared to your usual social media behavior, which is to publish things right away.
Obviously, this was a humorous post. But it doesn't mean it doesn’t contain grains of truth. The big conclusion here is simple: find a loved one who has huge patience with you in this matter (trust me, it wasn't easy for my partner to develop this patience). And remember to be less selfish when being part of a hanging-out group – that is to say, friends and family who are normal and not crazy about photography. They love us, so let’s give them some quality time once in a while.
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Light Stalking
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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