You learn by doing, right? Sometimes a combo of reading then doing (like me).
But the key is the practical element.
But what do you practice in photography? There are only so many times you can practice photographing the cat.
What next?
Well that is the conundrum that Photzy solved with their Action Cards.

This set of printable cards each has a specific “exercise” for you to practice photography.

Each card includes:
- Time & Skills Breakdown -Estimate of time taken to complete, plus the difficulty and key skill points.
- Summary and Mini-Lesson– Includes a rundown of what this card is about and the key lesson takeaway.
- Sample Photographs – To give you an idea of what you will be creating and to inspire you.
- Equipment Needed – Gives you a list of the exact equipment needed to complete the assignments.
- Tips – Recommended camera settings and other useful tips to give you a perfect starting point.
- Action Assignments – These are the assignments you'll be doing to complete the card and stretch your skills.
- Self-Check System – Here, you'll get a series of questions and points to help you assess how you went.
This is about as close as you get to having an instructor offer you exercises to improve your photography as you get without actually hiring a pro.
And, as it’s Black Friday, the Action Cards are currently almost 90% off!
Take a look at the full details here.
Light Stalking
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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