Have you heard of Phillip Haumesser?
He’s a photographer who also puts out a lot of information about achieving his style. Take a look at some of his images:

He just put up his Black Friday offer for his collection on how he achieved these amazing results.
That and some of his other work really encapsulates that stylised imagery that is taking off in popularity at the moment. And he lets you look over his shoulder as he puts his own touches to this stunning style.
This is currently at 75% off and I have literally never seen his courses on sale before so I have no idea when they will be again. (In fact, I have been in contact with him for the past month or two trying to get him to do this one, so he can be a tough nut to crack!)
His course lets you watch Phillip as he does his edits. Specifically it covers:
- How to nail and correct the exposure
- How to sharpen the image for faces that pop
- How to reduce noise for better looking shots
- How to direct the viewer’s attention
- How to transform normal images without snow into a Winter Wonderland
- How to add snow even if it wasn’t snowing
- Removing distractions
- How to color correct the image for the look that jumps out of the photo
- How to enhance features and details such as the eyes, and hair for stunning faces
- How to correct the skin tones for a more natural look
- How to achieve the desired overall color profile for the image
If this imagery sticks with you as it does me, then this is a great opportunity to see how a master does it without leaving any secrets out. This is an awesome way to step up your own results.
Light Stalking https://ift.tt/34A1Eyz
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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