Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Say Goodbye to the Sony Alpha a7

It’s the end of the road for Sony’s famed mirrorless Alpha a7 as both BHPhoto and Adorama now list the model as discontinued.

Image is of Sony A7 camera via Sony.com.

Though this isn’t shocking to anyone that has followed the news over the past year, the final exit for the a7 is still a poignant moment.

As Sony Alpha Rumors reports, the camera debuted back in 2013 and became a workhorse for many photographers around the world.

The fact that it is unlikely to be replaced with a new full-frame design probably doesn’t help anything, either.

Naturally, all of this is part of a broader realignment of optical manufacturers strategies to focus on the cameras that sell and, more importantly, make a bunch of money.

Even though the Alpha a7 is gone, Sony itself is still pressing out chips at record levels and is unable to keep up with demand, Sony Alpha Rumors reports.

All of this has to do with the amazing sales Sony and others are experiencing in the smartphone market.

The head of Sony’s semiconductor division, Terushi Shimizu, told Bloomberg, “Judging by the way things are going, even after all that investment in expanding capacity, it might still not be enough. We are having to apologize to customers because we just can’t make enough.”

“The camera has become the biggest differentiator for smartphone brands and everyone wants their social media pictures and videos to look nice. Sony is riding that wave of demand very well,” commented Bloomberg Intelligence’s Masahiro Wakasugi.

For the future, Sony is focusing on both increasing capacity as well as next-gen technology such as capturing images in 3D.

“This was the year zero for time of flight. Once you start seeing interesting applications of this technology, it will motivate people to buy new phones,” Shimizu added.

Did you use a Sony Alpha a7? What do you think of its discontinuation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Also, check out some of our other photography news articles on Light Stalking by clicking here.

[Sony Alpha Rumors]

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

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