Saturday, January 11, 2020

Samsung Reveals SSD Drive with Fingerprint Access Security Feature

CES is the place where many manufacturers debut new concepts to see how the public reacts to them.

t touch
Photo by T7 Touch SSD from Samsung.

Well, judging by the public’s reception of Samsung’s new SSD drive with fingerprint security features, it looks like the South Korean electronics giant has a home run on its hands.

As PetaPixel notes, this has been the year for SSD’s at CES as SanDisk showed off a pretty bonkers 8TB option.

Given that even that level of storage is nothing for some of us, the drive to get a bigger and better hard drive won’t slow down anytime soon.

The appropriately named T7 Touch uses AES 256-bit encryption for either fingerprint recognition or password protection.

Mike Mang from Samsung explains, “Consumers who are constantly on the go between work, play and passion projects want to be able to securely carry their content with them. Now their data is secure thanks to the fingerprint recognition functionality incorporated into the product, which delivers industry-leading transfer speeds in a compact form factor.”

In terms of storage capacity, don’t expect anything like SanDisk’s behemoth. That said, the T7 Touch is an actual product that is available for sale right now so there’s that feather in its cap.

Samsung is reporting 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB hard drive sizes will be on offer with prices starting at $USD 130, $USD 230, and $USD 400 respectively.

Given that level of security, those prices really aren't that bad. And you can never be too careful with personal information these days.

What do you think?

Does this new SSD with built-in fingerprint security sound like something you’d be interested in owning?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Also, be sure to check out some of my other photography news articles here on Light Stalking by clicking this link.


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