Monday, June 8, 2020

What You Missed On Light Stalking This Week

Let's cheer up with some beautiful photographs! Here is your weekly wrap-up from Light Stalking – you'll find some nicely curated stuff from the general chit chat as well as some amazing shots from Tersha's latest challenge on Shadows! And as you've already guessed by now, we'll be mentioning some worth-seeing shots from the Feedback Forum as well.

Photo Of The Week – June 08th, 2020

Photo by Joanne Van Praag

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Words by Kent DuFault

The POTW goes to Joanne Van Praag for her beautiful black and portrait. From a technical point of view, Joanne makes perfect use of side lighting to create a soft swathe of highlights and shadows across each child’s face.

Her post-processing is exacting and precise with gentle highlights and creamy shadows exhibiting deep detail. However, what I think really makes this shot, are the expressions.

Each girl is subtly revealing inner secrets about their personality, which really is the hallmark of excellent portrait photography.

What Are Our Members Up To?

These are our favorite shots from our 489th challenge, so sit back and enjoy the ride!

Photo by Joanne Van Praag

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Several emotions started to clash in my mind after seeing this shot for the first time. It is both gloomy and comforting. It is the perfect blend of human life contradictions. Also, there is something quite hypnotizing about these trees blending with their own shadows.

Photo by Click

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Sometimes the simplest compositions give us the most powerful aesthetic experiences. This shot is one of them and it is also a huge reminder of how photography benefits from both planning and patience.

Photo by Charmaine Joubert

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Human body is a beautiful fine-tuned machine!

Photo by John Teate

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Even the most basic subjects can become highly intriguing thanks to the power of light and shadows.

Photo by Walter Johannesen

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Shapes are highly effective when trying to tell a story with few elements.

Photo by Bobbie

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The identity of this animal gets revealed thanks to the strong shadow on the right. The tones here play an important role as well.

Photo by Elaine

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Low-key photography never ceases to work. In this portrait, you can feel the dog's age in a subtle way and the bokeh gives it a dreamy quality.

Photo by Rick Bergstrom

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I don't know if anyone spotted this, but there's a wicked face produced by the light in front of the woman. It somehow reminds me of Dante's portraits. Shadows are awesome!

Photo by Mike Fear

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This is a very strong composition because of the unusual placement of horizon. It feels very poetic.

Photo by Bruce Gordon

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This shot really triggers my imagination!

Photo by Samset

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Street photography at its best! The mirroring effect makes this an absolute winner.

Photo by Terry Quinn

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Subtle hazy landscapes like this one are highly praised for their ethereal beauty.

What You Shouldn't Be Missing From The Light Stalking Community

Beth shared a dreamlike photograph of a beautiful fox in the wild. Enjoy!

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Floyd shared some incredible action shots! These are my favorites, but you can see all of them here.

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David, the light master, shared some high-speed shots (super fast – 1/19000s!). This is the best one in my opinion.

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And last but not least, Rob Eyers has shot a lovely steam boat.

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Oh, and Rob (the other Rob) was curious about our gear.

Let's Welcome Our Newest Forum Members!

Paul S

William Porter

We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts

Our Feedback Forum has been receiving tons of great photographs and it is obvious that some of you have started building a solid photography style. This is the right place for all of you who want to grow fast as photographers. This is possible thanks to valuable and positive feedback, which is perhaps the best way to hack the learning curve.

Here you'll get your work critiqued by plenty of well-intended people, but you'll also have a chance to critique your peers. We truly believe in the power of criticism and feedback.

Many of our members have nurtured their own photographic knowledge by giving out elaborate critiques that go way beyond simple emoji based reactions or “nice shot” comments. Here are some of the most interesting shots shared during the last week:

The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss, so please read the instructions in order to get a better critique experience. Share your comments, opinions and doubts on any or all of the images above. We will be delighted to see some of your own images as well. Don't be shy, critiques are given to photographs and not photographers.

We and many other members will be more than pleased to help you out; after all, we all are in love with photography. Don't forget to participate in the newest challenge published by Tersha on Side Lighting. Also, join our friendly photography community if you haven't done it already!

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Light Stalking

Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
Please visit our main site for booking availability and rates.


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About Us

Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown