Thursday, July 23, 2020

Associated Press Photographers to Use Sony Exclusively from Now On

Sony Imaging will be the exclusive provider of cameras for the Associated Press moving forward.

Revealing the partnership today, the Associated Press called this move as “the biggest camera deployment in the history of the AP.” As PetaPixel points out, the presser on the partnership between Sony Imaging and the AP highlighted efficiencies from using a single brand for photography and videography moving forward.

As far as what equipment AP photographers will use exactly, DPReview quotes the Associated Press’s Director of Photography, David Ake, who says, “The vast majority of the stills photographers will get a9 Mark IIs. We will get some a7R IVs for the videographers, and a couple for some of our entertainment shooters who do a lot of portraits. But the standard kit will be an a9 Mark II.”

AP’s Deputy Managing Editor of Visual and Digital Journalism Derl McCrudden said of the shift, “[This move] will change, immensely, the way we’re able to operate. The quality of our videos will go up, the quality of our photos will go up, our teams will be able to share kit—memory cards, batteries, lenses. This is a game-changer for the AP and will give us way more flexibility into the future.”

Ake added, “What has me really excited about the switch to mirrorless cameras is we can now work in totally silent mode. We truly can become flies on the wall without that annoying shutter sound interrupting the scene. This is a huge leap forward in photojournalism.”

So far, 2020 is turning out to be quite an interesting year for Sony's cameras. It will be interesting to see if the company's momentum continues. 

What do you think of the AP’s switch to Sony cameras for their photographers? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section if you like.

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