Saturday, February 18, 2017

This Awesome Calculator Tool Cuts the Crop Sensor Confusion

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At the root of many forum debates comes the inevitable confusion and pointless bickering over what a certain sensor size means for your images and how they are “cropped.” Don’t worry, we’re not going there. Though crop factor is here to stay amongst digital cameras, so it’s best we get to grips with it.

Now, I’d definitely recommend reading one of our articles on Crop Factor, like this one here:

From here you’ll have a very good understanding about different sensor sizes in digital cameras and more importantly, what they mean. Anyway, amongst all the digital sensor noise from the crowds, there will inevitably come a point where you need to calculate the full-frame equivalent focal length and/or f-stop.

crop sensor calculator

mmCalc – The Crop Sensor Calculator

FREE BONUS: Ever considered giving night sky photography a spin? Well, even if you’re only “thinking” about it, why not download our free Night Sky Photography Cheat Sheet. It’s free and of course, you have nothing to lose. Grab a copy and see how you can apply the tips! Download it here.

The Crop Sensor Calculator

Welcome to the mmCalc Crop Factor Calculator. A very handy online tool to quickly convert equivalent focal lengths and f-stops to their Full Frame counterpart (36 x 24mm – the largest sized sensor found in a DSLR).

You could be using an APS-C Crop Sensor camera (23.6 x 15.8mm Sensor) applying a crop factor of 1.5x to 1.7x (Nikon 1.5x and Canon 1.6x) or something smaller still like a Four Thirds camera (17.3 x 13mm Sensor), in which case you’ll have a 2x Crop Factor to consider as the sensors are one-quarter the size of a full frame sensor.

With that brief explanation out the way, you could find the tool really very handy indeed – this isn’t to say it’s something you’ll be continually referring to, but the mmCal tool a great easy-to-use calculator and contains a well-explained description of your calculation so you understand the information being presented to you.

At the end of the day, you’re going to at the very least learn more about camera sensors, their sizes and why these conversions even take place anyhow.

FREE CONTENT FOR READERS: Ever considered giving night sky photography a spin? Well, even if you’re only “thinking” about it, why not download our free Night Sky Photography Cheat Sheet. It’s free and of course, you have nothing to lose. Grab a copy and see how you can apply the tips! Download it here.

Crop Sensor Calculator and Further Resources

Further Learning

It could well be a good idea to ensure you’re covered when it comes to knowing how your DSLR works and learning some Essential Photography Skills. That’s where this easy step by step guide for beginners is a great place to start.

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Profile photo of Russell Goodman
Russell is a self-taught photographer who loves travel and capturing life as it unfolds. Having lived in the far east for a few years with some long term travel, this catalyzed his new-found passion for photography. Lifestyle, Food, and Event Photography are areas he enjoys most.
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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

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