Happy Easter everybody! As always, here you'll find some of the most interesting shots from Tersha's last challenge – this one was on the theme of Street and Urban Photography.
Also, we will catch up on some of the most interesting discussions from our photography forum and you'll find a great selection of images from the Tank!
We want to thank all of you who have been sending us messages about your love for Light Stalking! We love sharing every single bit of photography knowledge we have with you, so thank you again for your kind words and enthusiastic support, we really appreciate it.
Photo Of The Week – April 22, 2019
Dancing In The Park – Photo by Lenny Wollitz
We had a guest judge in this week – Dave Watkins, and we think he did a great job in choosing the photo of the week. Here's what Dave had to say about his choice:
I was honored to be asked to sit in as a guest judge for the POTW. A daunting task, but this image by Lenny Wollitz made the job easier.
The vibrant red against a featureless background is impossible to ignore. It immediately grabs your attention and refuses to let go. The juxtaposition of the red on their outfits is a subtle but important feature of the composition. The play of light and shadow works wonderfully adding depth and structure. I like how the spinning motion of her dress conveys the movement needed to show the action of dance. Also, the timing of the shot capturing her with her toes being off the ground gives the appearance that she’s floating. The expression “Light on your feet” comes to mind.
But, what I find most appealing about this photograph is the expression on her face. I can just tell that her adoring gaze into his eyes is a reflection of his expression. As I see it this is a couple in love, lost in each others company, with no thought of the world around them. And Lenny captured it all with one press of the shutter. Or maybe captured among a string of multiple exposures. No matter. It’s an excellent photograph.
Lucky for us, Dave also gave us two runners up – choosing the photo of the week is always difficult, so we are never surprised that sometimes a couple of shots need a special mention:
Twilight Walk – photo by Anne Hornsby
Anne's photo is from the weekend photography challenge and is a brilliant capture from Anne. Color street photography is extremely difficult, and the main reason why is because it is hard to get even colors in an uncontrolled situation. This is a great example of good color street photography.
Wife Deep In Thought – photo by Gray B
This photo from Gray B was submitted to our very latest photography challenge – Yellow and Blue, and boy does it fit the bill! This is a great use of color and wonderful composition – thanks so much for sharing this image
A very big thank you to Dave for guest judging this week's Photo of the Week
Some Great Images From the Weekend Photography Challenge
These are some of the great shots from Weekend Photography Challenge #430 – Street/Urban
Photo by Click
Waiting and patience is a very effective tool for photographers, and this is a great example of how it works. The juxtaposition between the shadows and the EXIT sign makes this a very compelling photograph.
Photo by Dorothy
One of the hardest things to capture in photography is humor, and here we get a shot that has “The Thinker”, exercise and a very large shuttlecock!
Photo by Bucweet
The way the shadows construct the whole theme and scenario of this photo is superb and very narrative as well.
Photo by Jasenka Grujin
Protests and riots are always somehow photogenic, but this shot is different. It is pointed towards the people taking photographs, and the person in the wheelchair absolutely punctuates the shot
Photo by Kent DuFault
I'm not one to judge what is and what isn't street photography as long as the photograph approaches the every day in a memorable way. This shot made me smile, and it has to be seen by more Light Stalkers!
Photo by Frank
Maybe a black and white conversion could enhance this photograph. Nevertheless, it is a great reflection.
Photo by Ken Tam
A good example of how treating tones in a peculiar way can make a photograph look even more compelling than it already is.
Photos And Discussions You May Have Missed
This past week we've got a lot of great nature photographs being shared by Tobie who's being absent thanks to a digital online marketing course he's been taking. Therefore we decided to make a different kind of wrap-up in order to give these shots a little exposure push!
We are sure you all nature enthusiasts will be delighted by them all. Also, Anne felt moved by his photos and decided to share an amazing shot of a cardinal here.
Kent had a question that resulted in some useful answers from Tersha and Rob, so maybe you can learn something from them if you have been experiencing something like that!
Graham shared a nice shot of Adelaide Central Railway Station. And as you can see, he really nailed the composition with accurate yet subtle use of leading lines.
Dave Watkins shared with us a couple of signs that spring is here for good, some pear blossoms and a monarch butterfly, thanks for sharing these with us Mate.
Dorothy posted a question about entering paid photography contests. I really think everyone should participate in this question so we can get a better understanding of people's experiences and opinions related to contests.
We also want to welcome Lenny Wollitz back, who has been absent for a couple of weeks due to still unknown reasons!
We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts
Would you actually believe us if we tell you that we can help you out into getting better in photography in a reasonable amount of time? Maybe you won't believe us, or maybe you will. We can't judge your scepticism if you don't trust us, but let us tell you that we do can help you out.
We don't have a magical potion of course, but we do offer something that helps photographers, and it isn't a magical spell but a mindset that can be built. We believe in the power of criticism and feedback, and we promote it via The Shark Tank. Don't worry about the name, it is a friendly place.
By working around this idea, people are able to nurture their own photographic knowledge when they give out elaborated critiques that go way beyond a simple emoji based reactions or “nice shot” comments. Not to mention the “what camera are you using?” ones. By receiving critiques we can find out flaws that weren't easy to spot for us before hearing an objective opinion upon our work. Here are some of the most interesting shot shared during last week on the Tank:
The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss photographs, so please read the instructions in order the get a better critique experience. Share your comments, opinions and doubts on any or all of the images above. We also will be delighted to see some of your own images. Don't be shy, critiques are given to photographs and not photographers, so don't be afraid of sharing.
We and many other members will be more than pleased to help you out; after all, we all are in love with photography. Don't forget to participate in the newest challenge published by Tersha on Blue and Yellow. Please remember to join our friendly photography community if you haven't done already.
Today We Leave You With… A Little Bee-Eater
It is nice to see the brilliant wildlife and bird photographer Tobie Schalkwyk pop into the forums after a hiatus. Welcome back, Tobie! He posted for our enjoyment this beautiful little Bee-Eater – an amazing photograph from a wonderful photographer – thanks, Tobie!
Light Stalking http://bit.ly/2GzV15I
Sourced by Time Trap Photography sharing the best photography tips, news and tricks throughout the industry. Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque
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