Friday, January 15, 2021

The 30 Best Photography Magazines of 2021

Every photographer loves reading about the craft, so we have put together what we think are the best photography magazines around at the moment. We have tried to break it down by genre and region. If you think we have missed any, then let us know in the comments.

Winner: Outdoor Photographer
The Best Photography Magazine of 2021

Image via Amazon

The overall winner of our list is Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

Details Here.

Table of Contents

1. What we look for in a Great Photography Magazine

2. Overall Best Photography Magazines

3. Best Photography Magazines for Inspiration

4. Best Technical Photography Magazines (i.e. for beginners and hobbyists)

5. Best Black and White Photography Magazines

6. Best Magazines for Professional Photographers

7.Best Photography Magazine by Region 

8. We Miss These Magazines

Magazines can be either digital or print copies and although we are in an age that is completely moving towards digital, there is something special about holding a physical magazine, flipping through the pages to see the images printed on paper and to read through the information. I personally think, although the digital age has helped cut down on the use of paper, which hugely contributes to saving the environment, once in a while, it is good to get printed magazines and flip through the pages. It is definitely different from what you read digitally!

Photography Magazine subscriptions could be for personal use if you are a photographer or can be a rewarding gift to photographers. Be it a birthday or the holiday season, these subscriptions can be educative gifts that can help a photographer grow.

Another benefit of printed photography magazines is, when you travel, you can grab a copy of your favorite magazine and get through the journey. It could help inspire you with some ideas for your next photo shoot or if you are traveling to a destination as a travel photographer, getting one or two outdoor magazines relevant to your destination will give you an idea of locations and inspiration for travel photography. Moreover, printed copies are easy on your eyes!

There are a bunch of magazines focusing on various genres or levels of photographers – some are educative, some are technical, some inspirational, some for professionals, some for beginners or hobbyists. Whatever genre of photography you enjoy or whatever level of photography you are in, there is something to suit everyone’s needs.

In this article, we have put together a bunch of magazines that we think are the best out there. We took into account certain factors that we thought a good photography magazine should include and filtered out the best magazines based on some of the criteria below.

Note: There are loads of magazines out there with new ones coming into the market every time you go out to get one at the newsstand, but there are some magazines that stand out from the rest always. But again, it is a very personal thing when it comes to photography and what you like may be different from what someone else likes.

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1. What we look for in a Great Photography Magazine

A great photography magazine needs to have certain qualities in order for it to be beneficial for the reader. Different photographers look for different contents in a magazine and a magazine as a whole should be able to incorporate these content in there so that it can be read by a wide genre of photographers.

Here are some factors that we think top photography magazines should include:

  • The contents of the magazine need to be spot on (magazines aimed at beginners need to have focus on helping beginners, magazines for pros need to be geared towards pros) and the magazine needs to cover topics that they say are included on the magazine cover in detail
  • Knowledge from the magazine should help the reader develop photography and gear skills
  • It needs to provide tips with illustrations to make information understandable and interesting
  • Contents of the magazine need to be laid out in a way that the information makes things easier for photographers, so they do more photography and not contemplate about it
  • Assignment ideas should be included in magazines to help photographers practice what they learn
  • Project ideas to help photographers get through times when they feel less motivated.
  • Advice from Pros to help with inspiration and it needs to be delivered in such a way that it motivates photographers and gives them a feeling of “nothing is impossible” with practice and patience
  • The magazine contents need to be laid out in an easy to understand format, flow, and language
  • Promotions or reviews made on equipment should not lead beginners towards gear lust, but rather help them focus more on improving photography with the gear in hand
  • Seasonal articles, projects to try along with tips should be included, for example, what and how to photograph during each season (spring, autumn, winter, summer)
  • Photos need to include settings, tips and any techniques used, including lighting setups and any story behind the situation as this helps with knowledge for the reader rather than just looking at photos for namesake. It would be great if a short note on the location, weather and available light was discussed as well.
  • Should include post-processing advice and tips along with recommended applications and reason why they are recommended. Not just focus on paid applications, or just applications from one developer like Adobe, but also include other developers and free applications that would help any reader and beginners
  • Needs to feature/showcase readers’ work so readers get to know what other photographers achieve with their gear
  • Critique sections so that readers can learn from critiques of other photographers’ images
  • Review gadgets and accessories for photographers, so they can make decisions on buying the gear they need
  • Ads relevant to the audience – for example, if the magazine focuses on landscape photography, ads related to gears and other equipment required for landscape photographers
  • Include little surprise gifts like cards that readers can download to their smart devices or prints that can be used in the fields.
  • Should include the latest news and events
  • Behind the scenes of professional photographers on location and studios.
  • Interviews, especially how a photographer turned pro from a beginner or amateur

Taking into account most of the above factors, we have come up with a bunch of what we think are the best photography magazines overall and by region and important genres. We have done all the research and included as much information about the magazines so you do not have to spend time looking around for them.

Note: The price, subscription fees and any offers stated here are based on what we found at the time of writing the article and please note that these may change from time to time and may also be available for better offers elsewhere.

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2. Overall Best Photography Magazines

Based on the factors discussed above and looking at magazines that would be really beneficial for a photographer to grow and develop their skills, we have chosen five magazines as the overall best photography magazines. This in no way means that the other photography magazines are inferior in quality.

2.1. Outdoor Photographer Magazine:

For photographers interested in nature, landscape, wildlife and anything to do with outdoor photography, the outdoor photographer magazine is a great one as it is dedicated to exploring nature out there in the wild. The features in this magazine are contributions from top photographers in this field. There is also technical advice on gear and accessories for both amateurs and professionals who are looking to improve their skills in outdoor photography.

Image via Amazon

The articles are quick reads and loaded with tips and advice on photography and gear techniques. The photographs included come with technical information behind them and the magazine includes travel advice. This is a magazine to suit all levels of outdoor photographers from basics for beginners to advanced techniques for pros.

It is also one of the best magazines in the US and more about this magazine is discussed in the section here for “Best Photography Magazines from the U.S.”

Subscription: The annual subscription is on offer here right now with 11 issues for $12.97 which is 80% savings off the newsstand.

2.2. Black and White magazine:

This magazine delivers fine art black and white photographs of the past and present and is dedicated to just photography. Most of the magazine focuses on artist profiles and galleries with images submitted by readers.

The magazine has features on both film and digital photography and is considered one of the best magazines for any photographer out there. You will find a lot of interviews, stories, and biographies that are detailed and well worth the read.

black and white print magazine
Image via

It is also one of the best black and white photography magazines and more about this magazine can be read in the “Best Black and White Magazines” section here.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of $35.00 for the US, $50.00 for Canada and is shipped worldwide for a subscription fee of $60.00 annually. There is a free trial here.

2.3. Digital Photographer Magazine:

The Digital Photographer magazine is one for both enthusiasts and professional photographers who are looking to refine their skills and improve their portfolio. The contents of the magazine are written by experts in the industry and the tips given here are from professionals and business owners who are already well established in the industry.

digital photographer magazine
Image via

The best part is the “Behind the scenes” section of professional photographers that helps readers see how the professionals work. The magazine covers every genre from macro to landscapes to astrophotography, architecture, etc.

This is one of UK’s best photography magazines and more about this magazine is discussed here in the “Best photography magazines of the UK” section.

Subscription: A one-year subscription for 13 issues could cost from £49.99 on offer up to £65.00 without offer in the UK. For Europe €73.00 and for the rest of the world $93.00 annually all on offer right now. You can subscribe here.

2.4. PhotoLife Magazine:

PhotoLife is one of Canada’s leading photography magazine that is aimed at beginner and intermediate photographers. This magazine comes as a high-quality magazine in terms of paper and print with a good layout and design, and not cramping in too much information in each page.

The articles in the magazine are professional with outstanding images that have technical details for readers to look and learn. The magazine features photography techniques, tips and advanced approaches to photography. The magazine also publishes industry news and events that readers can participate in.

More information about this magazine can be seen here in the “Best photography magazines for Canada” section

Subscription: The PhotoLife magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of $24.95 for Canadians, $34.95 for the US and $114.95 for International subscriptions.

2.5. Australian Photography Magazine:

Australian Photography Magazine is one of the top-selling photography magazines in Australia that has been around for almost 60 years. Being the brand behind the best photography competitions for amateur photographers and photographer of the year, the magazine’s goal is to help one become a better photographer.

The magazine offers expert advice and inspiration on everything a photographer requires to improve their skills. It features articles that have information related to contemporary shooting techniques and post-production. Besides these, one can find news and reviews on the latest gear, useful tips, in-depth interviews with leading photographers and more.

As one of the top Australian photography magazines, more information relating to this magazine is discussed here in the best Australian photography magazines section.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually for $99.00 for Australians, and internationally $115.00 for Asia Pacific, $105.00 for New Zealand and $150.00 for rest of the world.

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3. Best Photography Magazines for Inspiration

3.1. British Journal of Photography:

British Journal of Photography is one of the oldest photography magazines that was founded in 1854 and these days it focuses on fine art and documentary photography. This monthly magazine comes with a theme every month that focuses on topics such as portraits, photography education, and communities.

Some of the features of British Journal of Photography are:

The magazine looks for new talents to be showcased in each issue on the projects section along with interviews with renowned photographers. The intelligence section provides opinion on the latest thoughts about photography and how one can make it work for them as a business.

The magazine also publishes in-depth articles relating to photography, features photographer profiles and provides reviews on the latest technology for photography. The magazine runs the “Portrait of Britain” competition every year with its subject being the diversity of British people.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and they also ship to Europe and internationally.

3.2. Aperture:

Aperture magazine founded in 1952 by a bunch of inspiring professional photographers, is a quarterly magazine and it is one of America’s best magazines for photography. It is not one of those “how to” magazines but covers quite a wide range of subjects in photography from great outdoors to architecture and even nature at its best.

Image via

Some of the features of Aperture magazine are:

The magazine is filled with the best photographs, that you will want to look at them over and over again and save these magazines as collectibles. Works of some of the world’s most famous photographers are featured and the prints are of high quality on quality paper – almost as if you were looking at images in a gallery.

The magazine includes some of the finest writings that include information related to art theory and history which every photographer should have basic knowledge about. The magazine truly can be a source of inspiration for photographers pushing them to think and create photographs from different perspectives and work towards creating unique photographs.

The magazine features some of the most inspiring photography portfolios with each issue based on a particular theme in contemporary photography. The issue also covers photography ideas, interviews, debates, images, projects, etc. all based around the theme on that issue. The magazine comes with fewer adverts so it doesn’t distract the reader from enjoying the rich features of the magazine.

Cons: This magazine is quite pricey and focuses on inspiring photographers but not a technical magazine where photographers can learn techniques for photography.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of $75.00 for four issues. If you live outside of the US, the annual subscription fee is $95.00 for Canada and $105.00 for the rest of the world.

3.3. Black and White Magazine:

The Black and White magazine is for collectors of fine photography as the magazine’s tagline reads and the magazine proves it by delivering fine art black and white photographs of the past and present. The magazine is dedicated to just photography and does not provide gear reviews or technicalities of photography / post-processing

Most of the magazine focuses on artist profiles and galleries with images submitted by readers with a mix of featured diverse work by amateur and professional photographers whose work we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.  The magazine gives importance to both film and digital photography and in this regards is considered one of the best magazines for any photographer out there.

This magazine has been discussed in more detail in the “Best black and white photography magazines” section here.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of $35.00 for the US, $50.00 for Canada and is shipped worldwide for a subscription fee of $60.00 annually.

3.4. Outdoor Photography Magazine:

Outdoor photography magazine is a detailed magazine from the UK, dedicated to landscape, wildlife, nature, and adventure photography. The magazine has a wide range of sections that include tutorials, gear reviews, news that include a bit of all things related to outdoor photography.

Detailed information on the technical side of photography, gear, and accessories, and technical information on how to get the best shot in any conditions are discussed. The “Location Guide” section gives guidance on photographic locations in the UK and information on photography adventures. Reader’s work is given a lot of importance with winning submissions getting an entire page for their photo to be featured.

The magazine has been discussed in more detail here in the “Best magazines in the UK” section.

Subscription: You can subscribe to this magazine here and the annual subscription (12 issues) for UK subscribers is on offer for £48.45 and only £42.75 if you pay via direct debit.

3.5. Silvershotz (Only Archives):

Silvershotz was established in 1998 in Australia and was originally called Black & White Enthusiast a photography journal that focussed only on articles and tips related to Black and White film and darkroom. The magazine title was sold in 2002 and renamed Silvershotz in 2004 when its design, printing, and distribution was moved to the UK.

The magazine stopped their regular print editions in November 2014 and moved to being an online interactive photography magazine. However, they did an annual book that was printed in November each year that featured a selection of 25 portfolios from online publications that year.

Some of the features of Silvershotz Magazine were:

Silvershotz was a contemporary photography portfolio magazine that showcased the best photographs from around the world. The contents of the magazine were curated by experienced editors who made sure that international standards were maintained in each issue.

The magazine featured themed articles, technical information related to photography and gear, portfolios, in-depth interviews and book reviews. The magazine also featured information relating to the major photography awards across the globe.

Looking through the magazine, one could get hooked on to the beautiful images, themed articles and conceptual portfolios. Keeping up with the latest trends, the interactive magazine allowed the reader to share images on Facebook and vote for their favorite photographer in each edition from which the top 15 photographers were selected each year. These photographs were featured in the annual print edition.

The best part of the magazine was no advertisements, only images.

Update on 2nd October, 2020: Silvershotz has stopped publishing after 21 years of continuous production. The archives are online until 31-12-2020 at for a small donation of  USD$50. On 31-12-2020 the servers will close, and perhaps an Institution or Corporation will absorb and maintain the archives.

Update on 15th January 2021: The archives are still available online.

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4. Best Technical Photography Magazines (i.e. for beginners and hobbyists)

4.1. Nature Photographer Magazine:

Nature photographer magazine is one of the best magazines from the US that is published three times a year covering all the seasons of the year. This magazine is aimed at nature photographers and the information here is relevant from beginners to professionals in that field.

nature photographer magazine
Image via

Most of the magazine content is laid out as “How to” articles for wildlife and landscape with the photographers explaining how the image was taken. Photographs in the magazine are highly impressive and are accompanied by essays from the photographer themselves

The magazine focuses on the community and being kind to nature with sections that include information on natural history. Ads are very limited which makes the reading experience amazing.

More information about this magazine can be seen here discussed in the “Best photography magazines in the US” section.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually and they ship in the US for $26.00, Canada for $40.00 and Internationally for $56.00.

4.2. Digital Photo Magazine:

This magazine helps beginner and amateur photographers in creating the best photographs possible by including camera, lens and other gear reviews. It also included information relating to photography techniques.

Some of the features of the Digital Photo Magazine are:

Besides updates on latest technologies and photography techniques, this magazine also provides information relating to post-processing images that includes workflows involved in the process. Gear reviews are aimed at latest gears so beginners get an idea of what is available in the market and make decisions on buying gear suited to their needs.

More information about this article can be found in the best magazines in the US section below.

Subscription: The Digital Photo Magazine is a quarterly magazine and can be subscribed here for an annual fee of $11.97 in the US and this is an offer price that is 40% off the newsstands. The annual subscription fees for Canada is $21.97 and Internationally $26.97.

4.3 Digital SLR Photography Magazine:

This is a photography magazine that has the basics and is more inclined towards amateurs and beginners. The quality of images is great with beginner kits used to create quality photographs most of the time. Chances are that this magazine will definitely help you to learn all the basic skills required to start with digital photography.

Some of the important features of the Digital SLR Photography Magazine are:

The magazine is aimed at beginners and keen amateur photographers looking to start with digital photography. The “Readers’ showcase” section features images sent by readers taken on their beginner or average equipment. The best part about this is that it will inspire and encourage anyone with a starting kit to get out there and shoot.

The expert critique section shows how a photograph can be taken from good to great where the images sent by the readers are reviewed by an expert panel and tweaked to show what can be done to improve the image. Most of the images come with technical details, which is what photographers wish to know when learning photography

This magazine reviews kits by less common, budget-friendly brands and shows the readers whether or how they compete with famous brands. There are creative ideas and advice on how you can get certain effects in photographs without investing much on expensive gear or without investing in kit at all and this could be beneficial for beginners and amateurs. Ads are relevant to the audience.

This magazine is definitely a budget-friendly one with 5 issues for £5. It includes most of the information that beginners will be looking for in a photography magazine and exposes the audience to budget-friendly accessories so that they do not invest too much during their early days as a beginner in photography. They ship overseas

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually for delivery in the UK and overseas.

4.4. Practical Photography Magazine:

Practical Photography magazine was one of the best photography magazines for beginners or seasoned pros who are enthusiasts and wish to take their photography and post processing skills to the next level. The magazine is packed with inspirational images, expert advice and tutorials that will help one grow as a creative photographer.

Some of the important features of Practical Photography magazine are:

The magazine covers a wide genre of photography with tips and techniques. A majority of the photographs published in the magazine come with technical details accompanied by a story on how the photograph was made and what could be done in terms of improvement.

Featured high quality images and photo ideas help get a photographer through assignments or project ideas through the month. The magazine focuses on what to shoot and how to shoot and provides practical tips for photography. Most genres of photography are covered from macro to landscapes and portraiture.

The “Hotshots” section features the best readers’ photographs for that month. Besides these, included in the magazine are kit reviews as well. There are not many junk ads, but it has a few relevant adverts which are really useful. The magazine does not stop with just the photography part, but has tutorials on editing photos.

Photos answers section answers photography related questions from readers. “Now is the time to” section provides inspiration for readers on what to shoot that month and where. There is an annual photographer of the year competition to watch out for and it is conducted between January and July.

Masterclasses are included with brilliant ideas, tutorials are of high quality and it is spot on for beginners and amateur photographers. Including more Photoshop tutorials in the magazine could be a negative but it includes general information that could be transferred to other applications.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and costs £4.99 per copy and is also available on

Update on 15th January, 2021: Practical photography has closed their printed publications due to the current Covid-19 situation. The last printed copy that is available is the August 2020 issue. They still have the digital magazine running.

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5. Best Black and White Photography Magazines

5.1. Black and White Magazine:

As the tagline of the magazine reads, “For collectors of fine photography,” the magazine stays by these words in delivering fine art black and white photographs of the past and present. The magazine is dedicated to just photography and does not provide gear reviews or technicalities of photography / post processing. Most of the magazine focuses on artist profiles and galleries with images submitted by readers.

Some of the important features of the Black and White Magazine are:

The magazine has a mix of featured diverse work by amateur and professional photographers whose work we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.  The magazine gives importance to both film and digital photography and in these regards is considered one of the best magazines for any photographer out there.

Since most of the magazine’s focus is artist profiles and readers’ gallery, you will find a lot of interviews, stories and biographies that are detailed and well worth the read. Many pages are dedicated to featuring galleries from previous contests or details of contests currently running and the images published are outstanding.

The magazine focuses on almost all genres of photography like nature, architecture, abstracts, portraits, etc. so every photographer has something that suits their liking. There are contests held by the magazine for a single image and spotlight portfolio and the portfolio winners are featured with a short profile and a lot of their images covering a few pages.

In general, the Black and White Magazine is not like other magazines, but showcases the point of view of the photographer as an individual. This could be a source of inspiration for a photographer, helping them look into creating unique art and working on their own creativity. What more, you will even want to take part in the competitions and submit your own portfolio for publication.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of $35.00 for the US, $50.00 for Canada and is shipped worldwide for a subscription fee of $60.00 annually.

5.2. Black+White Photography Magazine:

Black + White photography magazine features stunning black and white images from some of the leading photographers around the world known for black and white photography. This magazine is for any photographer who really appreciates and is interested in the art of monochrome and fine art photography.

black white photography october
Image via

Some of the important features of Black+White Photography magazine are:

Black+White Photography magazine features great artists from the past and today and showcases a retrospective of their work that surely can be inspiring for a photographer’s own work. All images are black and white and come with the story behind the image that gives information on the subject and how the photographer took that particular photograph.

There are featured columns on different genres of photography like documentary, portraiture, wildlife, still life, landscape, street, architecture, abstract, etc. and there are sections that explain in-depth techniques, product news and reviews. There are opportunities for readers to get their works published via the website and to participate in various competitions and workshops.

If you are a photographer who is passionate about creating monochrome photographs, then Black + White photography magazine will be one of the best magazines to subscribe.

Subscription: The subscription price is on offer here. They also ship internationally to Europe for £63.63 and rest of the world for £71.56.

5.3. Black and White Minimalism Magazine:

The Black and White Minimalism magazine focuses on black and white style in photography by eliminating colours and reducing its complexity to obtain minimal images. The images featured in this magazine have a feeling and quality where there is a balance between lights, shadows and grey tones.

Some of the features of Black and White Minimalism magazine are:

Minimalism is in itself an art form and the magazine makes sure that relevant photographs are featured that use as many little details possible to convey the concept and creates a unique and visual experience for the readers.

Besides the amazing photos that are featured from works of minimal artists, the magazine also contains very detailed interviews with sample works of artists and articles relating to minimalism. The articles deal with how to create stunning, meaningful minimal photographs along with some dos and don’ts. There are also featured artist folios that even have minimal portraits featured.

Subscription: The magazine can be bought here.

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6. Best Magazines for Professional Photographers

6.1. Professional Photographer Magazine:

Professional photographer magazine is the official magazine of the professional photographers of America and has been around for over 100 years. It provides readers with advice on advancing their business and career and represents people, trends, products and images that define the US photography industry

professional photographer magazine
Image via

Some of the important features of Professional Photography magazine are:

It is one of the best magazines for professional photographers because it does not have articles about gear reviews or other accessories or any tips and tricks, but has information for professional photographers who want to step up their game in the photography industry.

There is advice from other commercial photographers on new business ideas, improving marketing techniques and information on vendors and tools that a photographer can work with. You get to know what the pros are doing.

The magazine provides insights on the latest tech and showcases profiles of big names in professional photography. The magazine focuses on professional portrait and wedding photographers looking to improve their business. Questions are answered on topics that include business practices and professional photography.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and print subscriptions are available only for subscribers from the US for $19.95 and Canada for $35.95.

6.2. Shutter Magazine:

Shutter magazine is a magazine that focuses on advice, educational content and inspiration for professional photographers. There are featured articles from many professional photographers who give their trusted, honest and actionable advice on business topics.

Some of the features of Shutter Magazine are:

The magazine is laid out with breathing space for readers, without cramping in too much information in one page. The photographs shared in the magazine are of superior quality and the articles have a professional touch as the contributors to the magazine are up to date with the latest technology and products.

What makes the magazine a leading professional photography magazine is the fact that the contributors understand how to run a photography business and they are leaders in the photography industry. The focus on all content in the magazine is about the business side of photography. The magazine with its unique quality papers and cover is a piece of art and is one meant to be a photographer’s collection.

Each edition comes out with a specific theme and the focus all through is based on the theme. There is a product spotlight section and articles for inspiration. And not to forget, they touch a bit on post-processing tricks and techniques as well.

Subscription: The magazine can be purchased here for $49.00 annual subscription fee for delivery within the US. International shipping costs an extra $60.00. Surprisingly, their online version is free at the moment and can be downloaded here in PDF format or read online. The older issues are available for download as well up to December 2012

6.3 Capture Magazine:

Capture Magazine is a leading bi-monthly magazine in Australia that is geared towards pro photographers and covers all areas of the professional photography industry like running a successful photography business, equipment, studio techniques, marketing, copyrights, legal issues, etc.

Some of the features of Capture Magazine are:

The magazine goes deep into the whole photographic community like editorial, advertising, students and covers all genres like wedding, photojournalism, events, fashion, portraits, architecture, etc. The information in the magazine covers business and career advice for professional photographers looking to step up their business.

The magazine also showcases Australian photographers along with their works and is packed with information where it showcases successful photographers at work and keeps the readers updated of the latest techniques and equipment. The magazine is more about information to read and educate oneself than filling the magazine with quality images.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here.

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7. Best Regional Magazines (US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, India, Europe)

7.1. United States

7.1.1. Outdoor Photographer Magazine:

The outdoor photographer magazine is a great one for adventurous photographers and is aimed at photographers exploring the nature, out there in the wild including landscapes, travel, wildlife and sports. The magazine features columns that are contributions from top photographers in this field. There is also technical advice on gear and accessories for both amateurs and professionals who are looking to improve their skills in outdoor photography.

outdoor photographer magazine
Image via

Some features of the outdoor photographer magazine are:

Most of the articles are quick reads with contributions from the world’s leading landscape, travel, wildlife photographers. There are tips and advice in each issue that help one improve as a photographer and advice on best equipment for each scenario. The magazine provides information and recommendations on best destinations in the world where one can get out and take stunning images.

The issues cover in-depth portfolio features of photographers, exotic adventures and featured trips/destinations. In-depth articles where the photographs included have detailed information on where, when and how the image was shot, providing a lot of inspiration because the author explains the shooting situations in great detail. Reviews are published on latest gear and accessories required for outdoor photography.

There are relevant ads on equipment that are useful for photographers. This is a magazine for any photographer from beginners to advanced as they cover the basics for beginners and advanced techniques for the pros and everything in between. The focus in the magazine is more on nature and outdoor photography and not ads for gear

“How to” sections provide a lot of guidance with advice from experts on topics like photography techniques. There are several special issues throughout the year that include special topics like seasonal destinations, breathtaking locations and features on famous photographers.

Subscription: The annual subscription is on offer here right now with 11 issues for $12.97 which is 80% savings off the newsstand price.

7.1.2. Digital Photo Magazine:

This is a quarterly magazine that guides a photographer into creating the best photographs possible. The magazine includes columns on camera reviews, test drives, best lenses, accessories and also has a step by step instruction section for the latest gear and other photography related techniques.

Some of the features of the Digital Photo Magazine are:

The magazine keeps the reader updated with the latest techniques and technology relating to digital photography. There is a lot of advice around post-processing images as well, like the use of high-end editing software so the reader gets to learn the whole process involved in creating a stunning photograph.

The gear review section introduces the reader to the latest gear in the market, so they can buy the right equipment suited for their needs. The magazine is aimed at beginner and amateur photographers as the articles are in-depth with information relating to functions and uses of all equipment even for the basic ones like a tripod.

The technical articles and tutorials in this magazine are laid out by pros in a step by step manner and helps the reader master the technique that are used by pros. Besides these, there are featured photographs from professionals and readers and these are inspiring enough to get the reader to go out and try the techniques to build their skills.

Subscription: The Digital Photo Magazine is a quarterly magazine and can be subscribed here for an annual fee of $11.97 in the US and this is an offer price that is 40% off the newsstands. The annual subscription fees for Canada is $21.97 and Internationally $26.97.

7.1.3. Nature Photographer Magazine:

Nature photographer magazine is published three times a year, covering all the seasons of the year with the Spring edition published each March, Summer edition each July and the Fall and Winter issue each November. This magazine is aimed at nature photographers and the information here is relevant from beginners to professionals in that field.

Some of the features of Nature Photographer Magazine are:

The magazine aims at helping readers with planning successful trips so that they get to photograph the wilderness in far-away destinations, local national parks or if they intend to do it even in their backyards. Most of the magazine content is laid out as “How to” articles for wildlife and landscape with photographers explaining how the image was taken so that readers get an opportunity to practice the techniques laid out in the magazine and create high-quality images.

The magazine also helps research locations that are best for wilderness photography and the locations are showcased with the aid of stunning images. advice on photography techniques range from macro to wildlife and from great landscapes to seascapes. The readers can be field contributors so that they get a chance to have their photographs published in the magazine.

Photographs in the magazine are highly impressive and are accompanied by essays from the photographer themselves and they are written in such a way that the photographer expresses what they actually felt and how they photographed in that particular situation. This adds a human touch to the magazine and will inspire photographers to get out and shoot. The images showcase nature at its best and are accompanied by camera settings and gear specifics.

Advice on using gear and any special accessories or equipment required is available for enthusiasts. There are sections covering product information and reviews that will help readers select the equipment they need for their photography and field techniques that will help one get the best images when out on location.

Besides the above, nature photographer magazine focuses on community and being kind to nature with sections that include information on natural history. Ads are very limited which makes the reading experience amazing.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually and they ship in the US for $28.00, Canada for $48.00 and Internationally for $68.00.

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7.2. United Kingdom

7.2.1. Digital Photographer Magazine:

The Digital Photographer Magazine is one of the best photography magazines in the UK and is aimed at enthusiast and professional photographers who are looking to improve their skills and build up on their portfolio. The expert advice and explanation of latest technologies are spot on and helps with inspiration and information to take the photographers’ skills to the next level.

Some of the features of Digital Photographer Magazine are:

This magazine is geared towards enthusiasts and pros – basically all levels of photographers, who are looking to refine their skills. There are 13 issues a year with brilliant images, expert tips and advice from professionals and business owners on getting the best use out of your photography gear.

The readers can learn about how pros established themselves and took shots that helped define their career. Some of the highlights of the magazine are, behind the scenes of professional photographers, month’s length of assignments, tips and advice on certain focused themes, tutorials, interviews and projects, guidelines for shooting and post processing – all laid out step by step.

There are news, reviews and comparison of the latest gear, information on must have kits, and latest technology explained. The featured posts cover most genres of photography including landscapes, portraits, macro, astrophotography, travel, fine art, architecture, etc. The magazine also comes with free actions and presets with resources for download.

Subscription: A one-year subscription for 13 issues could cost from £49.99 on offer, up to £65.00 without offer in the UK. For Europe €73.00 and for the rest of the world $93.00 annually all on offer right now. You can subscribe here.

7.2.2. Amateur Photographer Magazine:

Amateur Photographer Magazine is a British weekly photographic magazine and is one of the oldest magazines in the UK with its first publication in October 1884. This magazine is geared towards amateur and professional photo enthusiasts and comes with the latest news and reviews relating to photography and photography gear.

If you are an amateur looking to take your photography skills to the next level and create meaningful photographs, then this magazine will be the right one for you. Also for those who are just stepping into the world of photography or are looking to upgrade their gear, this magazine provides reviews on the latest photography gear and accessories.

amateur photographer magazine
Image via

Some of the features of Amateur Photographer Magazine are:

The magazine features reader portfolios, details about product launches, tests on latest photography equipment and unbiased product reviews, technical tips on photography gear, etc. External competitions are advertised in the magazine and news area covers information about film and digital photography

“Photo insight” section explains the ideas and techniques behind a particular photograph and this is done by a photographer. There is a “Readers’ spotlight” section that features selected photographs submitted by readers. The “Ask AP” section responds to technical questions asked by readers.

Ads on new products on behalf of retailers in the UK can be found. The magazine also runs an annual Amateur Photographer of the Year competition and the winner wins vouchers worth £5000

Subscription: Annual Subscription fee is £108.49, approximately $138.87 for 51 magazines and can be purchased on

7.2.3. Outdoor Photography Magazine:

This magazine is quite a detailed one and is dedicated to landscape, wildlife, nature, and adventure photography. This monthly magazine comes with a bunch of beautiful photographs contributed by leading photographers in the UK and outside.

Some of the features of Outdoor Photography Magazine are:

The magazine includes a wide range of sections that include tutorials, gear reviews, and news that include a bit of all things related to outdoor photography. Reviews are done by experts and provide detailed information on the technical side of things like photography, gear and accessories, and technical information on how to get the best shot in difficult conditions like bad weather or lighting.

The “Location Guide” section gives guidance on photographic locations in the UK and information on photography adventures. This section is detailed with high definition photographs from leading international photographers and they contain the stories behind the photograph, which is an interesting feature.

As all outdoor photographers would like information on photographic locations that they would want to visit or hike to, this magazine provides all of that information like photographic locations across the UK, hiking difficulty, food and lodging recommendations in those locations, and so on. The magazine also focuses on conserving the environment which all photographers need to give importance to.

Reader’s work is given a lot of importance with winning submissions getting an entire page for a photo accompanied by a short essay that provides importance to their work. Quite a few pages are dedicated to readers’ submissions.

Overall, this magazine has all the information required for an outdoor photographer with recommendations for outdoor locations and more on the location itself. The magazine is aimed at beginner and intermediate photographers who are looking to get started with a bit of all the information they need. Advice is given for both film and digital photographers and not much ads is seen in the issues.

Subscription: You can subscribe to this magazine here and the annual print subscription (12 issues) for UK subscribers is on offer for £48.45 and only £42.75 if you pay via direct debit.

Here are some more top magazines from the UK that have already been discussed in various sections above.

7.2.4. Practical Photography Magazine:

Practical Photography magazine is one of the best technical photography magazines for enthusiasts who want to improve their camera and editing skills. All issues of Practical Photography Magazine include the latest episode of “Learn Photography Now” which is a Countryfile-style photo show presented by Practical Photography's team of experts and is a lively half-hour of on-location lessons, creative projects and exclusive interviews.

Each issue of Practical Photography magazine, contains complete subject guides, creative projects, pro interviews, editing suite, in-depth answers to technique and gear related questions. The “Get into gear” section has the most in-depth reviews of the latest cameras, lenses and accessories, plus a complete camera buyer's guide in every issue.

More information on this magazine can be found here in the “Best technical photography magazines” section.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and here.

Update on 15th January, 2021: Practical photography has closed their printed publications due to the current Covid-19 situation. The last printed copy that is available is the August 2020 issue. They still have the digital magazine running.

7.2.5. Black + White Photography Magazine:

This magazine features great black and white images form some of the leading photographers in the world and is for any photographer who appreciates the art of black and white photography.

More information on this magazine can be found here in the “Best black and white photography magazines” section.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the print subscription is £50.90 for 12 issues annually and you get another 10% off if you pay via direct debit. They also ship internationally to Europe for £63.63 and rest of the world for £71.56.

7.2.6. Digital SLR Photography Magazine:

This magazine deals with the basics and is one suitable for amateurs and beginners in photography. Readers can learn all the basic skills required to start with digital photography. With the contents of this magazine aimed at making photographs with the available equipment, it will inspire most photographers and encourage anyone with a beginner’s kit to just get out and shoot.

This magazine is one that educates beginners with their technical skills and more information relating to this magazine can be seen here in the “Best technical photography magazines” section.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually for delivery in the UK and overseas.

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7.3. Canada

7.3.1. PhotoLife Magazine:

PhotoLife is Canada’s leading source for photography and a bi-monthly photography magazine established in 1976, aimed at beginner and intermediate photographers and comes as a really good quality magazine in terms of paper and print. The magazine has a good layout and design, without cramping in too much information in each page, giving the reader just the right space with valuable information.

photolife magazine
Image via

Some of the features of PhotoLife magazine are:

The articles in the magazine have a professional touch with stunning images that have technical details for readers to look and learn. The magazine features photography techniques, tips, international travel photography, documentary and advanced approaches to photography.

Besides the above, the magazine showcases industry news and events that readers can participate in. There are annual photo contests run by the magazine, crash courses on important topics that photographers need to be knowledgeable about, gear reviews and guides on products related to photography.

The magazine publishes themed articles for various seasons of the year. Also covered are interviews of famous photographers, post-processing tips and shooting techniques and there is something new to learn in every issue.

Subscription: The PhotoLife magazine can be subscribed here.

7.3.2. PhotoEd Magazine:

The PhotoEd magazine is designed to promote inspiration and education in Canadian Photography. This magazine is quite different from the other magazines in the sense that it has various themes that are incorporated in each issue and they range from travel and landscape photography to underwater photography and portraits to still life and every genre of photography.

Some of the features of the PhotoEd Magazine are:

Photography stories are published by photographers who are skilled in that genre. Each issue comes with tips and techniques relating to the theme that the issue is based on, for example, if the theme is based on travel photography, then travel tips are also included along with photography techniques.

The magazine is a great resource for image arts education that incorporates both traditional and modern techniques and there is something new for everyone to learn. Works from emerging and established Canadian Photographers are featured and there are “how-to” articles and DIY articles for beginner and amateur photographers. The readers’ gallery features images submitted by readers.

Subscription: The PhotoEd magazine can be subscribed here that comes three times a year as Spring/Summer issue, Fall issue and Winter issue. The annual subscription cost is C$20.00.

7.3.3. Canadian Camera Magazine:

Canadian Camera magazine is a quarterly magazine of the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA). It is a quarterly magazine and is available for members of CAPA which is one of the benefits of having a membership in CAPA.

Some of the features of the Canadian Camera magazine are:

The magazine comes in good quality glossy papers and contains original work from the members of CAPA. The magazine features stunning photography and articles written by their members and each issue comes with a highlighted theme. The magazine publishes information relating to Canadian photography clubs and competitions.

There are also featured portfolios of photographers, stories, news items and reviews on equipment used for photography. The articles are of high quality and provide in-depth information on photography techniques that can be used to create unique photographs.

Subscription: The individual membership subscription is $65.00 per year and can be purchased here.

7.3.4. Canadian Geographic  Magazine:

The Canadian Geographic is a magazine of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society that is dedicated to making Canada a better known country to the Canadians and the rest of the world since 1930. The magazine acts as a source for all things relating to wildlife and environment, geography, climate and energy, etc.

Some of the features of Canadian Geographic Magazine are:

If you are looking for a magazine that is more than just photography, then the Canadian Geographic Magazine is the one for you. The magazine showcases and provides exposure to the Canadian photo community, shares interviews relating to Canadian geography, wildlife, travel, photography, etc., Canadian Geographic news, news from The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, etc.

This magazine is published six times a year and if you are interested in a photo club, you should check out this link here. The club is free to join and the online community comes packed with a forum, galleries, contests, tutorials, and many more.

Subscription: The Canadian Geographic Magazine subscription can be purchased here. Yearly subscription is $ 28.50 for 6 issues and 2 years subscription is $ 43.50 for 12 issues.

7.3.5 Photo News:

Photo News is a free magazine for Canadian Residents and it is printed three times a year. The magazine comes with information related to photography tips, techniques, gear and content relevant to the season. The photographs are usually accompanied by description that has information relating to gear used and camera settings for the image published. This is a helpful feature for beginners and amateurs looking to learn photography.

The magazine is available in both English and French. You can subscribe for free here and the past issues can be downloaded free from the link here. The site also has a list of camera clubs across the country if you are interested in joining one.

Outdoor Photography Canada:

Outdoor Photography Canada used to be a quarterly magazine aimed at photographers who are passionate about outdoor adventures. This magazine came with information beneficial for all levels of photographers and covers information relating to landscapes, wildlife, nature and everything that the Canadian wilderness has to offer.

Some of the features of Outdoor Photography Canada were:

The magazine was informative and interesting with the articles covering outdoor photography using modern equipment and techniques. The images were stunning showing off the great outdoors and landscapes of Canada and the amazing wildlife. The articles portrayed the love for outdoors and photography which could inspire the reader to just get out and shoot.

Each issue highlighted a different part of Canada so readers were not bored of the same images and information all the time. Moreover, it helped photographers from all regions of Canada to look for information about their natural surroundings.

The magazine also published information relating to workshops conducted by their editors and columnists where readers got a chance to learn from the pros and that helped a photographer build their workflow and take it from concept to execution. There were also photography contests run by the magazine and some serious “How-to” tips that could be useful for outdoor photography and post-processing.

Update as of March 31, 2020: Outdoor Photography Canada has ceased to operate since March 31, 2019.

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7.4. Australia

7.4.1. Australian Photography Magazine:

Australian Photography Magazine of one of the best and top selling photography magazines in Australia and has been around for almost 60 years. It is the brand behind the best photography competitions for amateur photographers and photographer of the year. Their goal is to help one become a better photographer.

australian photography magazine
Image via

Some of the features of the Australian Photography Magazine are:

The magazine is printed monthly in high-quality colors and offers expert advice and inspiration on everything a photographer requires to improve their skills. It features articles that have information related to contemporary shooting techniques and post-production.

Besides the above, the magazine publishes news and reviews on the latest gear and any other news related to photography. There are useful tips to help readers improve the way they plan, shoot, edit and share images – heaps of interesting information.

In-depth interviews of experienced and leading photographers are featured along with their works so the reader gets to know the story behind how the images were created. There are sections where constructive critiques are provided to images submitted by readers.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here annually and the print subscription is $99.00 for Australians, and internationally $115.00 for the Asia Pacific, $105.00 for New Zealand and $150.00 for rest of the world.

7.4.2. Better Photography Magazine:

Better Photography Magazine is an Australian photography magazine aimed at enthusiast and professional photographers. The magazine focuses on providing information for readers to capture the best photographs and gives special importance to photography techniques be it analog or digital.

Some of the features of Better Photography Magazine are:

This is a quarterly magazine and each issue comes with various informative sections that novice and amateur photographers can benefit from. The techniques discussed here cover both digital and darkroom so that everyone is included no matter what medium they shoot on.

There are featured interviews from successful professional and enthusiast photographers that are really detailed along with a lot of  samples of their work and projects accompanied by stories behind the photographs to give the readers detailed information on how the images were shot.

There are equipment reviews, readers’ photo galleries, competitions, information on photography workshops, ads on promotional offers relating to equipment for photographing or post-processing, travel plans and much more.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the annual subscription fee for delivery within Australia is $79.80 and outside Australia, it is $119.00.

7.4.3. Australian CAMERA Magazine:

Australian CAMERA magazine is one of Australia’s leading photography magazines published since 1979 for amateur and enthusiast photographers who are looking to take their skills to the next level. The magazine is bi-monthly and is laid out and presented in such a way that its contents are easy to understand, informative and at the same time entertaining even when they are relating to advanced and latest technologies.

Some of the features of the Australian CAMERA magazine are:

The editorial content in the magazine helps amateur photographers make the best use of their equipment and to master new skills. The articles are detailed with comprehensive and accurate information and is the only Australian magazine invited to join the TIPA where they are involved in judging the TIPA Awards for imaging product design.

The articles and other contents of the magazine are written by highly experienced contributors with its editor having over 32 years of experience writing about photography, cameras, techniques, etc. The contents include photogenic places, post-processing tips and detailed features of experienced photographers along with their images and stories behind the images.

The magazine aims at helping its readers choose the right tools to become better photographers and get maximum benefit out of their photography by expanding their skills, techniques and vision.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the annual subscription fee for delivery within Australia is $49.95.

7.4.4. Photo Review Magazine:

Photo Review Magazine is a quarterly magazine that features inspiring photography, tips and other information for photographers of all levels. Their editors are highly experienced and hence the information laid out are genuine and accurate. They have a review philosophy and test procedure for cameras and lenses and its outline can be seen here.

Some of the features of the Photo Review Magazine are:

The magazine provides tips and advice in an easy-to-follow method and they are detailed starting from buying the right camera for your needs through to shooting, organising, editing and printing your images. The portfolio section features inspirational content that has high-quality images from the best or pro photographers with details on how the photographers created them like settings and shooting techniques.

The equipment reviews are thorough with clear information regarding performance and other technical details. There are photo challenges run by the magazine.

The magazine comes in a slightly larger format than A4 and is printed with ISO 14001 environmental accreditation. Apart from features from current photographers, the magazine also features images from traditional photographers that may be unknown to the world.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the print subscription is $39.00 AUD annually for delivery within Australia and there is a limited time for a chance to win a Canon EOS M50 triple lens kit. The annual subscription for international delivery is $99.00.

7.4.5. Capture Magazine:

Capture magazine is another one of Australia’s leading magazine that is aimed at professional photographers with advice on stepping up their business and studio techniques. The magazine has in depth information on business practises, career advice and focuses on many areas like wedding, photojournalism, marketing techniques, fashion, etc.

This magazine was discussed earlier in the section for “Best magazines for professional photographers” and more details can be seen here.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the print subscription is $51.00 annually for Australia, $60.00 for the Asia Pacific, $55.00 for New Zealand and $85.00 for the rest of the world.

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7.5. New Zealand

7.5.1. D-Photo Magazine:

D-Photo Magazine is New Zealand’s best-selling bi-monthly photography publication founded in 1999 and it is aimed at photographers of all levels from amateurs to pros. The magazine focuses on digital photography, cameras and accessories and has content that can help readers get to know their camera and use it more creatively to create stunning images.

d photo magazine
Image via

Some of the features of D-Photo Magazine are:

The magazine has editor and contributor columns, “How-to” sections, details on new products, product and software reviews, promotional offers, readers’ letters, critique sections and information relating to photography events happening around New Zealand. The articles come with tips, tricks and techniques relating to photography, lighting techniques and post-processing that can help improve the confidence and inspiration in growing photographers.

The buyer’s guide helps readers decide on what equipment to buy that will suit their photography needs. The product reviews are detailed and focus on practical needs.

Interviews from world-renowned photographers who share their experience and techniques and stunning images from talented photographers from New Zealand are featured. The images portray the landscapes and people in New Zealand. The magazine also runs photo competitions for its readers and there is a section where readers’ images are featured.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the annual print subscription fee is $54.00 NZD for delivery within New Zealand, $106.00 NZD for delivery in Australia and $160.00 NZD for delivery to rest of the world.

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7.6. India

7.6.1. Better Photography Magazine:

Better Photography Magazine is one of India’s leading monthly photography magazines and is aimed at serious amateurs, hobbyists and enthusiasts. The magazine covers everything that photographers will be looking for in a magazine, from gear reviews to photography techniques and interviews to contests and more. Better Photography Magazine prioritises educating its readers in the science and art of photography.

better photography magazine
Image via

Some of the features of Better Photography Magazine are:

Not forgetting the traditional and giving equal importance to the contemporary, Better Photography Magazine does regular features on great masters of photography like Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Steve McCurry while also giving equal importance to current photographers. This magazine has sections dedicated to smartphone photography which is what many budding photographers start with these days.

There are quite a few contests run by this magazine throughout the year and it remains as one of the best magazines in the country. With its exhaustive sections, Better Photography Magazine is one that is loved by both amateur and professional photographers.

Featured photographs come with a short description from the photographer as to how they shot the image and more. Also, a useful software is featured so that photographers can make a choice of the application they would like to use for post-processing their images.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of INR 1299.00 for 12 issues and the international subscription fee is INR 8500.00 annually.

7.6.2. Chiiz:

Chiiz is one of India’s photography magazines dedicated to descriptive photography. This magazine features stories of photographers from around the world which can be beneficial for photo enthusiasts.

Some of the features of Chiiz are:

The magazine features images and stories covering a wide range of genres from across the globe making it an interesting magazine for photographers of any genre. All images come with EXIF details so the readers get a chance to look at the settings behind a particular image, understand and educate themselves especially if they are beginners or amateurs.

The magazine is printed on quality paper making the images look vibrant and stunning. The magazine focuses on photographs and their stories and other educational content rather than adverts. The tips laid out in the magazine are from brand mentors themselves and also includes gear and movie reviews.

Subscription: The annual subscription of Chiiz magazine which is totally 12 issues, comes up to INR 2400.00 and can be subscribed here.

7.6.3. Smart Photography Magazine:

Smart Photography Magazine is another Indian photography magazine that stands out in the market because of the quality content shared in its issues. It brings together most of the information required by a photographer by defining and recognizing benchmarks in the photography industry.

Some of the features of Smart Photography Magazine are:

Some of the world’s finest technologies in the photography industry are introduced in India by Smart Photography. The magazine provides unbiased and honest reviews on photography equipment that helps photographers decide on the tools they need to master their art. This way the magazine also provides constructive feedback to manufacturers.

The magazine covers all genres of photography from macro to landscapes and portraits to street photography and has occasional special editions that may focus on a genre of photography or on specific post-processing skills. There is a lot of educational information for photographers who are looking to learn new techniques and improve their skills.

Besides the above, there are interviews with photographers, featured profiles and special profiles in each edition that can be beneficial for photographers who are looking for some inspiration to get out and shoot.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for and the annual subscription fee for print subscriptions is INR 1,800.00, but is currently on 23% off for INR 1,400.00 annual subscription.

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7.7. Europe

7.7.1. EXIT Magazine:

EXIT is an image and culture magazine from Spain that talks about all types of photography, photographers and ideas. It is a quarterly magazine that showcases the experience, feelings and visual record of photographers.

exit on the road
Image via

Some of the features of EXIT magazine are:

The magazine published its first issue in November 1999 and it is thematic. The contents of the magazine focus on issues around the present culture and it is showcased as photographs. The articles are written by experienced photographers from around the world.

The images published in the magazine are accompanied by stories behind them and they publish images from all genres of photography – from documentary to fashion and traditional to contemporary from photographers around the world. The design and quality of the magazine is outstanding and hence has become a collector’s item among photographers.

Some of the content that you can find in each magazine are, articles from the perspective of art and photography history, main portfolio of an artist accompanied by an interview or essay, four other portfolios of artists with brief texts, an article on the specified theme of the issue based on the perspective of a specialist of that theme and biographies of artists whose works are showcased.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here and the annual subscription fee is €85.00 for shipping within Spain, €110.00 for shipping within Europe and €150.00 for rest of the world.

7.7.2. Foto Cult Magazine:

Foto Cult is an Italian magazine that publishes 10 issues per year and was founded in order to join the cultural and technical aspects of photography. The magazine publishes almost everything a photographer would be looking for in a magazine like news, exhibitions, competitions, festivals, books, reviews, etc.

Some of the features of Foto Cult magazine are:

The magazines first few sections are dedicated to photography news, new product releases, details about exhibitions, competitions locally and abroad, festivals, reviews on books and so on. The magazine then has various sections dedicated to photo reviews for readers, reports on great photographers, interview with an experienced photographer, discussions, and projects.

The final sections of the magazine are dedicated to tests and reviews of products, product comparisons, top shots and other miscellaneous sections.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here for an annual subscription fee of €40.00 on offer right now. Once payment is received, for the activation of subscription, you will have to contact them via e-mail to confirm your mailing address, telephone number and your e-mail address.

7.7.3. Photographie Germany:

Photographie Germany is a German photography magazine and is targeted  towards amateur, semi-professional and professional photographers. The magazine is one of the largest German photography magazines and publishes 10 issues per year.

Some of the features of Photographie Germany magazine are:

Each issue of the magazine contains recently released product news and in-depth reviews of products and their technical features. The magazine also covers cultural and creative aspects of photography.

The magazine announces competitions that readers can benefit from. Images are published along with stories from the photographer’s point of view. Thematic images submitted by readers are curated and selected ones are featured as winning pictures.

Various sections are dedicated to product tests, reviews, and techniques. Then there is a huge section that features photographer portfolio, advice on taking outstanding images, techniques and tips related to photography, etc.

Subscription: The magazine can be subscribed here  for an annual subscription fee of €56.00 for 10 copies.

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8. We Miss These Magazines

8.1. c’t Digital Photography Magazine:

c’t Photography Magazine was a successful magazine out of Europe with articles that are heavy and informational with several examples and diagrams spanning across several pages. The magazine focussed on getting the readers to really understand the sections or topics covered and was a solid resource for photographers looking to understand their camera and the art of photography.

c’t digital photography magazine
Image via

Rather than the quality of magazine paper, design and layout, c’t Photography Magazine focused on content with information that should be useful for photographers. Photographic techniques and theory were given importance and explained in a detailed fashion.

The magazine also came with CDs that had interviews and software + plugins for post-processing. The adverts were less compared to other magazines which they compensated by having a slightly expensive price. This magazine was one that was loved by many photographers and it is one that is missed.

8.2. Popular Photography Magazine:

Popular photography magazine, also known as Pop Photo, was a monthly photography magazine that was founded in May 1937 and was one of the largest circulated photography magazines. It was owned by a number of companies and due to a decline in advertising revenues, the magazine ceased publication in March 2017 with March/April 2017 being its final issue.

popular photography magazine
Image via

During its time, the magazine was one of the best in the world with around one million circulations. The magazine got things right from basic “how to” articles to in-depth reviews of equipment that were tested in their own state of the art labs and the detailed reviews were something that could not be seen elsewhere. They were also the best on showcasing the art of photography.

Besides the decline in revenues from adverts, it also seems that Popular Photography magazine was not keeping up with its online content and was not maintaining an online version of the magazine for online people.

More of what also added to the demise of the magazine was the digital revolution where younger photographers wanted to look for information on their phones and tablets and not on a print magazine. This was a photography magazine loved by many photographers who still miss having one to read in their hands.

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  • NaturFoto – A German photography magazine as recommended by one of our readers Peter Kershaw. It is one of the best magazines for landscape and wildlife photography and is quite light on adverts.
  • Shots Magazine – SHOTS publishes 4 issues a year and the subscription rates are $32 for one year subscription in the US, $42 for Canada and $67 Internationally. This was recommended by our reader David Anderson for contemporary amateur photography, usually around a “theme”, along with interviews of accomplished amateurs.
  • Lenswork Magazine – This is a bimonthly photography publication about photographs with articles, interviews, and portfolios all about images and the creative process. The subscription is $39.00 for 6 issues and was recommended by our readers Adam Jahiel as a beautifully printed and bound magazine, on great paper, with in-depth commentary and articles.
  • Foam – Foam magazine is an award-winning international photography magazine published three times a year around a specific theme. This was recommended by one of our readers Knado and the subscription fees is €64/year.


Now, if you think we have omitted a great magazine, then we want to know. Let us know in the comments!

For those who can read German Naturfoto is one of the best magazines for landscape and wildlife photography. Like many German magazines it is quite light on adverts and the price reflects this. Very high production standards. The website is at

Hi Peter, thank you for the suggestion and for sharing the link as well. This is helpful 🙂

If you want to see contemporary amateur photography, usually around a “theme”, along with interviews of accomplished amateurs, check out Shots. It’s been around for a long time.

Hi David, thank you for the link. It is helpful 🙂

I didn’t think there were 30 photography magazines left in this world.

You missed out on FII and New Zealand Geographic! Both are great.

Hi Ann, thank you for that. I came across the f11 magazine, but it was not available as printed version. Thank you for the suggestions 🙂

Very good descriptions of these various magazines. There is aone magazine that is head and shoulders above the rest, at least in my book. Having been a professional photographer for 55 years, and a book and magazine addict, I have to say that the very best magazine out there is Lenswork Magazine. Beautifully printed and bound, on great paper, and in-depth commentary and articles. NO advertisements. Subscriptions include the option of physical magazine, online, or a combination of both. Not to be missed.

Hi Adam, thank you for the suggestion. We will have a look 🙂

Just a few kind words. Thank you for your work
and care.

Hi Joel, thank you. You are kind 🙂

Left out Brooks Jensen’s great magazine “Lenswork” and on line content at . It’s about photographs, not cameras.

I believe Outdoor Photography Canada is no longer available. It was a great magazine while it was published.

Hi James, thank you. Just checked their website that mentioned their website will stay live until March 31, 2019 then will cease to operate which is sad. We will replace this with another magazine soon. Thank you again 🙂

where is foam?

I appreciate your work in compiling this list. I miss hard copy, physical magazines! There’s just something special about holding it in your hands, being able to flip freely through the pages, the lack of distracting hyperlinks…

Practical Photography and Silvershotz are both ended now. 🙁

Hi Sarah, that’s sad 🙁 Thank you for letting us know. We will update the article with the information.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

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Time Trap Photography is dedicated to freezing those special moments in life that can be revisited and admired for generations to come. - Shannon Bourque

The lens in focus

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” — Unknown